Peg Leg

Bronze Member
May 29, 2006
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Golden Thread
I am looking for an episode on the Discovery Channel showing some of the gold that was recovered by the Fisher group. They showed a Gold II excudo that looked like one of the coins that I have. It was only shown for a few seconds.
Does anyone know where I can purchase a copy. I check the Discovery Store and cannot finxdc it listed anywhere.
Peg Leg

Which Discovery show ? There are two shows. The two escudo shots in both shows are mine. They are still photos reshot for video. The pictures are of two different coins. What can I tell you about the coins ?
The longer of the two shows was shot by the BBC and repackaged for American TV. That is the program most people have seen. It was shot by Geof Norman productions, London.

Donovan said:
What can I tell you about the coins ?

Show and tell is great, but show is better ;) Care to share some pics? I'm sure they're beautiful.

If possible can you send me a photo of both coins both sides and if you cannot can you describe both coins both sides.
Peg Leg

I ordered a DVD off of E-Bay

She was a Spanish galleon loaded with New World gold, bound for home when she went down in shallow waters off Florida in 1622. For 363 years, her vast treasure lay on the ocean floor, undisturbed by countless adventurers who dreamed of discovering the fabled vessel. Then, in 1989, world-famous treasure hunter Mel Fisher fulfilled his lifelong dream when he discovered the Atocha.

SEARCH FOR THE ATOCHA is a riveting story of a real-life treasure hunt, a romantic tale of swashbucklers, pirates, riches and death. Here, Fisher reveals how the Atocha was finally found, and shows off stunning artifacts from its $400 million cargo. Learn how 260 died when the ship first sank, and how five more lost their lives during the recovery operations. See extensive footage from the search and recovery that shows how modern treasure hunters go about their business, and hear of other treasures that still await discovery.

It's a spellbinding tale of ancient tragedy and modern adventure THE SEARCH FOR THE ATOCHA.


I hope that this helps!

Eli Stepp

None of my coin pics are digitized. 40,000 plus pictures, is going to take awhile to digitize. We are just getting started.
No offense meant to you, but I don't put my pictures on the web because they get stolen. Lots of my pictures are unique in their content. Real treasure pictures are very rare. Every time a picture gets swiped, it is money out of my pocket.
I have a couple of books in the works, so the pics will be out eventually. You might want to look at some of the publications that are already out there. Duncan Mathewson's book, " Treasure of the Atocha." has a bunch of my coin shots, including the coins that were in the Discovery show.
Almost all of the gold coins from the 1622 sites are two escudo. A lot of them are pictured on the historic ship wrecks website. That site is continually updated, and has lots of other very cool stuff. There are only a handfull of one escudos and a single four escudo from the Margarita. Most have no mint marks visible. If memory serves there were Sevilla, Segovia and Santa Fe De Bogota.
An excellent source is the 1988 catalog printed by Christies auction house. Check ebay and amazon. Calico and Sedgewick are also quite informative. There is also a small booklet on the coins available from the Key West Museum.
Good Hunting,

Thanks anyway,
I registered with the email address but could not get anywhere. It seems that their http website is not up to par.
OH WELL, I will keep looking.
Peg leg

The best Atocha video in my opionion is the one put out by National Geographic years ago. I just got another copy, unfortunately it is only available on VHS.

There is a reason why I m looking for this particular show.
There was a single coin that was shown for a very brief time. This coin appeared to be similar to the ones I am researching. I just thought it would not be a problem running down a copy of this show but that is not the case.
My coin was minted at the Granada Mint during the reign of Philip II and the assayer was "oD".
There is no writing anywhere on the coin.
It has been called everything in the book, FAKE, COPY, COUNTERFIET, VERY RARE ETC ETC.
I will keep on looking.
Peg Leg

I have a copy of that on dvd or vhs. i will bring it up to you. By the way I had those coins checked out and they were real gold.

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