Didn't get skunked, got snaked


Gold Member
Nov 22, 2012
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Took a long ride to a known site. Place has been hit now for over 40 years. Found of all things, a Zincoln. I was walking through the new undergrowth and saw something move on my left. I stopped to see what is was, and here was this relatively large black snake, head down, starting to come out of his semi hollow tree. He saw me and went right back inside the tree. Chicken. No photo. Didn't bring the camera today, didn't even think about it.

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Most snakes will avoid anything larger than
themselves and don't like noise If you stumble upon a rattler just back up slowly when you here the Rattling noise Chug twice when I was in Oklahoma fishing

MD over here SmokeytheCat!

Actually, a good snake is one that RESPECTS me! Kind of liked the encounter. Snakes have their purposes, like eating mice that carry lymes disease ticks.

He sounds like a cutie, Glad no harm came to the snake.

This one was in the middle of a Tractor Road sunning and I moved him so we could continue our hunt. Put him in the wheat field he was pointing towards.
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