Did you ever short a roll?


Jr. Member
Dec 21, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I was re-rolling a box of halves and after I finished I found one coin which I had dropped at some point. I wasn't gonna check 50 rolls to find the short one so I just tucked the coin into the box beside the rolls.

That got me thinking: If you ever got a short roll you probably assumed some scam artist is ripping off the banks by intentionally shorting the rolls. But it could very well be an accidental error.

I was once driving through upstate NY and asked for halves. They had like $500 in CWR so I figured it's a dump and just asked for 3 rolls. There was no silver which was no surprise but... ALL were short a coin or 2. I went back in to the bank to tell them. They checked some more rolls in the vault and found them all short. They took my rolls back and said they'd deal with it. They knew the dumper. It's a small town and apparently he dumped often. I hope he was arrested (but I doubt it).

Finding MWR that are short is extremely rare in my experience. Those machines are good.

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Not intentionally. I get alot of CWR Dimes and simply don't take the time to count them but I'm sure there are quite a few 1,2, 3 short. If they look 2-3 short I'll sometimes take the time to count and add dimes. Wouldn't expect I've ever totaled out shorting more than a dollar and always the way I got them.

I wouldn't know, as I don't count. Last $150,000+ in dimes, never counted. I dump re-rolled cwr most of the time, over the counter.

I have never shorted any rolls or received any shorted rolls but I have found several rolls of halves that contained an extra coin or two. The best roll had 23 halves.

I only bag dump but once I was cleaning my car and found two full machine rolls under the seat. I always empty my rolls into a coin-lock bag and seal it up when two boxes are empty them deposit them for immediate cash. I must have returned a bag or two short at least $10. I have multiple dump banks so where it happened I'll never know and I was never contacted about it...as we all know you never wanna really screw around with a good bag dump bank but I wasn't gonna call around and stir up trouble. Apparently they never noticed or it was within tolerance on the scales or maybe they didn't care as we all know that many of the bags off the sorters are never exactly what they are supposed to be. As for them being off a coin or two I wouldn't even notice and apparently on the bag level in my area they don't notice.


I have come across numerous rolls that were short one or sometimes two coins (halves); but on the other hand, I have also see just as many rolls (if not more) that contain an extra coin or two. To me, it all seems to balance out in the end so I don't worry about it. Although twice in the past three months, I have opened a box only to find it was missing a ENTIRE ROLL. Weird. One time I asked the bank about it and they gave me a $10 credit (I took a picture of the box/missing roll and showed it to them), the other time another pickup bank said they would also give me a credit but they never did. I never pushed it. I just consider it one of the few "costs" of my CRH hobby :)

I have never intentionally shorted a roll. Like others, when I rerolled I wouldn't count the dimes unless the roll was noticeably short, in which case I'd make up the difference.

Another thing I have done is always replace foreign coins with the correct US denomination. If say there's 3 Canadian dimes in a roll, I replace them with US dimes. That's just a personal quirk, though. As it is, I've got rolls of several Canadian denominations that I'll cash in next time I go north. All the other foreign coins I receive I keep, with the (very long term) goal in mind to visit each of the countries and spend the coins there. Might take awhile...

I was re-rolling a box of halves and after I finished I found one coin which I had dropped at some point. I wasn't gonna check 50 rolls to find the short one so I just tucked the coin into the box beside the rolls.

That got me thinking: If you ever got a short roll you probably assumed some scam artist is ripping off the banks by intentionally shorting the rolls. But it could very well be an accidental error.

I was once driving through upstate NY and asked for halves. They had like $500 in CWR so I figured it's a dump and just asked for 3 rolls. There was no silver which was no surprise but... ALL were short a coin or 2. I went back in to the bank to tell them. They checked some more rolls in the vault and found them all short. They took my rolls back and said they'd deal with it. They knew the dumper. It's a small town and apparently he dumped often. I hope he was arrested (but I doubt it).

Finding MWR that are short is extremely rare in my experience. Those machines are good.

Weigh the rolls. You'll find the one thats short very quickly.

I dump by coin counter
So I have been shorted but I have never shorted anyone.

Like any other type of stealing,
You will only get away with it if you only steal a little, but then, what is point in that.
If you steal a lot, enough to make it worth your effort....you surely will get caught.

Honest time- when I 1st started with dimes I was getting so many foreign that I was getting mad- so I started rolling the foreign mixed in with the regular- about 2-3 per roll- I did this with about 20-25 rolls, then my conscience got to me and I stopped- now I just have a 1 gal ziplock baggie i throw the foreign in and give to my girls to play with
May the AG gods forgive me of my sins

just keep stacking, just keep stacking, stacking stacking stacking

I have never shorted a roll and wouldn't, (I probably would not participate in this hobby if I had to roll coins) BUT when there is a problem and the counting machine needs to be serviced/opened when I am there I have helped myself to the rejects without telling the teller that they are not mine. Yesterday I got an Australian dollar and .85 in bent up American coins.

I felt dishonest. How does everyone else feel in that situation?

stealing is wrong whether you take from the coin machine or short rolls... Stealing is the worst crime anybody can partake in... think about it...

I also get a ton of Canadian cents so far I have kept them but not sure what to do with them in the future. Put them into the coin counter? Try to exchange them for US currency?

stealing is wrong whether you take from the coin machine or short rolls... Stealing is the worst crime anybody can partake in... think about it...

Is taking the rejected coins that someone left in a penny arcade machine stealing? Or is part of the hunt? Where is the treasure hunting line drawn?

I did read your response wrong, I apologize for that. I thought you were taking coins out of the bags in the machine. What you did wasn't wrong IF the coins were infact in the rejection tube.

stealing is wrong whether you take from the coin machine or short rolls... Stealing is the worst crime anybody can partake in... think about it...

Is taking the rejected coins that someone left in a penny arcade machine stealing? Or is part of the hunt? Where is the treasure hunting line drawn?

Down here on the First Coast, Loomis is so bad with shorting rolls, it is just a "hidden fee" while hunting. No big deal so long as the finds hold up. I've sworn off Loomis from time to time as when you endure a skunk streak and are shorted, it is not worth it. But eventually, I'll resume ordering from Loomis. I'm never short from Brinks, and prefer their boxes over Loomis.

Never intentionally.

The machine has shorted me before (the notorious dime counted as penny), and sometimes it's counted a coin wrong (quarter as dollar).

I think I've definitely been robbed by the machine more often than robbing it.

Here we go...about 8 months ago I got attacked for saying I shorted rolls at a point.

Did you do it on purpose ? If so, why?

I have had mwr boxes that had +\- 3 coins in a majority of rolls but in the end still totaled right about $500

...when there is a problem and the counting machine needs to be serviced/opened when I am there I have helped myself to the rejects without telling the teller that they are not mine. Yesterday I got an Australian dollar and .85 in bent up American coins.

I felt dishonest. How does everyone else feel in that situation?

I did this at first, and also felt guilty about it, particularly after claiming an errant Morgan silver dollar. Since then, when the teller opened the machine and offered me the rejects, I've been honest and said they weren't mine. In EVERY SINGLE CASE the teller told me to keep the coins.

Honesty is the best policy!

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