determine roman coins please


Jr. Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Golden Thread
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
determine roman coins please: 1, P1220821.webp P1220822.webp 2,P1220823.webp P1220824.webp 3,P1220825.webp P1220826.webp 4,P1220827.webp P1220828.webp.....thanke you

They look 4th century - but size helps. Hutch.

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They look 4th century - but size helps. Hutch.

Letters help more. (they are 4th C & mostly Dragging Captive types with 1 facing Victories)

I'll get Dad to give some 'rough IDs' but they will be a little vague seeing as the appriopriate attributions needs more details.

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Dads verdict:

No.1 - Valens AD364-75 obv: [VALEN]S PF A[VG] , Rev: [G]LORI[A ROMANORVM] .TES (Thessalonica mint)

No.2 - Rev: Dragging Captive type AD364-88

No.3 - 2 Victories Facing AD341-48

No.4 - Gratian AD367-83 - Dragging Captive Obv: DN GRAT[IANVS PF AVG]

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thank you

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thank you

The more I look at No. 3, the more I think it is an AS or Sestertius. I believe I can see COS III on the Obv and perhaps TRP on the REV?. We need to get a check on the size & weight?

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