


I work as a mason during the day and a machinist at night, with what free time I have I spend it metal detecting. I use an Ace 250, I wanted to know if I am doing something wrong . When I find a place to go I will try all the modes and all diffrent sensitivity levels on the ground and all I find is trash and pennies. I have used this method on 4 diffrent places and have found no silver, where there actually should be.

I have used this detector since it has first come out, and was wanting to upgrade to a whites Mxt or better does anyone have any suggestions on this, and how hard is the Whites Mxt to use, any help would be appricated. Thank you.

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sometimes you have to clean up some of the trash to get good stuff. I only found on silver in 4 years, but I don't go to places that should have them.

The fact that you are finding things, means that you are not necessarily doing things wrong. You are probably not in the right places. If you are finding a penny, you will find silver, once you find the place where silver is at. Many places that you may feel should have silver, may be places where the people did not have much money and guarded their money very well. Kids only received pennies for allowance or to play with and would not have lost the larger denomimation coins. Your spots may also have been looked over before.
As far as a new detector. I use a whites spectrum XLT, and I love it. It will take you a while to learn an MXT or XLT but once you learn it, it is very user friendly. There are a lot of used ones on ebay which you can get cheaper than a new one, if money is an issue. Good luck with your hunting...Lance

Remember that silver will come out soild and very high on the scale,very very ferous metal you know. But what would I know, haven't found any yet...... :(.........but I'm not discouraged one bit.

It'll happen, don't you worry about that. Many people use the ACE and are happy with it. Just give it time.

My 2 cents worth..... ;)

GL & HH,


I have an ACE 250 and I love it. Just set in on the coin mode and run the sens at about 3 to 4 bars. Don't get me wrong it's not always 100% right but if my ace rings a dime at 6 inches change the direction of the sweep. If it still rings dime at 6 inches and don't jump around. Most of the time its a dime. It could be silver it may not. I like to use M.U.D's rule. If you can find wheat pennies from like 1950 or so back, your chances for finding silver just got better. I try to keep in mind that in the early 1900's loosing a Mercury dime had to be like loosing a ten dollar bill give or take. I like to think that the ground is holding plenty of silver for people like you and I. You just got to dig a lot and I mean a lot of trash/Tabs/Clad to get to it.

Here is picture of a 1943 war nickel I found in the middle of a old corn field at two inches. My first bit of silver it took about a month to run across it........I would say I dug about 500 give or take clad coins before I found it. I think it's all location location location.

Good luck and hunt hard



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If you really want to upgrade your detector, I would go behind the XLT as has already been mentioned.? I have that one myself.? However, I don't think it was that difficult to learn or get used to.? At least not for a newbie that wasn't looking for the more sophisticated features.? I don't know what posessed me to buy the XLT.? ?I was planning a trip to FLA and wanted to buy a new detector.? I saw a Whites ad on TV where the guy was using the XLT.? I guess I was taken in by the depth reading and the discrimination and VDI and Signagraph(?) readings on the display.? They seemed like they would be good for understanding more of what you might be looking at.? ? I have basically stuck to the presets and the basic operations.? I use Coin and Jewelry most often but have gone to Relic a few times when looking around the yard or some playgrounds.... where I might have an expectation to find other things than trash and coins....? ?On the beach, or in play lots, volleyball pits.... where I usually search, I, pretty much, stick to the Coin and Jewelry.? ?

The good thing about the XLT is that there is a lot of ability to grow with it and customize some of the settings for other conditions or locations.? That is where the complexity and learning curve, I believe, come to play.? However, as I said, in my case I have never used most of that.? So, when I got my XLT out of the box, all I did was read the first couple sections of the manual, learned all the basic operations and I was up and running, almost immediately.?

I have been looking into buying a second detector.? To see if I can get my girlfriend to come along on some hunts.? ?To be honest, I don't want to spend another $800 with the possibility that she won't take an interest.? So, I was actually looking at the ACE 250.? It seems to be a good dependable machine.?Probably the most widely used and recommended machine I have read about on these groups. I would have to say, don't be too quick to get rid of it.? As others have suggested, you might just want to try some other places to see if you have better results.? However, if you do decide to get a new machine, keep the 250 as a backup.? ?The other machine that I have looked at, don't know how it compares feature for feature to the 250, is the Whites Prizm IV.? ?Seemed really easy to operate and understand.? Had most of the features that I use on my XLT and only $360 on last quote.?

Your not doing anything wrong, just keep digging. dont know how many places I have been where there should be silver and nothing. The ace will find it just keep at it.

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