Detector Review Website

Thanks Omni

I had been to this site, its a good site, I guess I would like to have a site like that does the reviews with the user as the reviewer or something or where professional (if you will) metal detectorist review the detectors from each company.

Wishful thinking I guess!



This One has alot of Field Tests,

However, You Have to wonder a Little.

HOW many Detectors would the Manufacturers give them IF they gave a Bad Review.

So, just Remember, No Matter Who's Doing The Review.

Take it with a Grain of Salt.


That would be good and useful to alot of people I think, The thing I notice about the MD hobby is that alot of things aren't standardized...maybe I mean mainstream, what I mean by this is... if you look at alot of other hobbies with alot of following, which I think that MD is... just alot of people are ignorant to the addiction of the hobby and don't know what it is about. but most other mainstream pastimes have at least a couple of magazines dedicated to it, where we have a couple. most of These magazines have standardized reviews where each one is tested and in a certain manner to find stong and weak points. I wish that the magazines that we have would do a standarized test one the different models in different categories.


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