Me and the wife are at it again! We hit an old farm on the 3rd and got a brass bell, 2 wheats, possibly a gold tie clip?, and .32 cents in clad. Was hoping for more but only had one day to do the farm. I then went out alone for 12 hours on 7-5....I am out of the game for at least a week now due to the wrist feels as if its sprained. I did manage to find well over 19$ in clad, some Polynesian coins, a dog tag from 1995, some rings, a sterling celtic cross pendant, couple of tokens, and a ton of trash i wont bother to show. I dug in excess of 200 targets in one day, probably close to 300 I bet including all the trash etc. The At Pro rocks, as a matter of fact the wife wants to upgrade from her ace 350 to one.
I had a great time at the expense of my wrist, and I gave some coins away to some kids which was really cool! The look on their faces was worth far more than the coin I gave them. Seems the kids are more interested in what im doing than the grown ups. About 90% of my finds were all buried targets, hardly nothing on the surface which is odd for 4th of July I thought. You would think its everywhere after something like that. Enjoy the pics!
I had a great time at the expense of my wrist, and I gave some coins away to some kids which was really cool! The look on their faces was worth far more than the coin I gave them. Seems the kids are more interested in what im doing than the grown ups. About 90% of my finds were all buried targets, hardly nothing on the surface which is odd for 4th of July I thought. You would think its everywhere after something like that. Enjoy the pics!