Who do I ask for permission? I have about 10 churches on my list of sites. Do I just ask the preacher? or do I really need permission at all? what if the church is in a ghost town?
If it's a ghost town church, you can stand in front of it, or where it used to be and yell as loud as you can "If it's NOT ok to search here Ring the Church Bell" if nobody rings it, You got permission"? ? ? ? ? ? Sorry? ? it just HAD to be said? ? ? I usually ask who happens to be there, on the day I see a car. Most but not all preachers have said yes. All church members I have asked have said yes. or "I don't see why not" which means YES to me.
Being a Pastor's kid and growing up right next to churches, the first approach would be to knock on the parsonage door (the house the pastor lives in) Ask him, or her, what ever the case may be these days who the head of the TRUSTEE COMMITEE is. That is the person that can give you the absolute go ahead. Sometimes the pastor will tell you to go right ahead so it doesn't hurt to ask him first, but make sure that you find out who the trustee chairperson is and talk to him. My father used to kick metal detectorist off of the church property unless they went and asked the head of the Trustees first, they are the ones that are really responsible for the church property. Don't woory, my father likes the passtime just as much as the next guy, but some of the guys out here in western mass. got a little too careless with the digging part. Really, who digs a hole two feet wide and a foot deep when they are using a walmart special with only a six inch coil?
I never hunt church grounds that are well kept where the grass is always mowed just right. However a lot of these churches have property next to them thats not so well kept and I always ask to hunt them.
Churches in old community's that are still in use but there is no such thing as a well kept lawn I have no problem asking to hunt.
and I have hunted some without being able to find anyone to ask in very rural areas. although someone will usually come by after a while and just ask if I've found anything good and after I show them a bag full of pull tabs and say no I'm just cleaning up the trash I'll get a good luck and have a nice day from them.
Just make sure all holes are filed in where you can't tell they were ever dug.
Yes it's always best to ask though.
While readint this topic I realized there is an old church (100+ years) about 40 miles form me that burned down a couple of years ago. I will be hitting that spot this summer. It is way out in the country and should be really good. Thanks for the remind...lol.