Detecting and the unseen world


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Mar 21, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
How many here feel there is psychic element to metal detecting? I know I definitely do! I have had thing happen, and also have had "a feeling" about several sites that revealed historical treasure. As a "cellar hole" hunter I always pay my respect at a site.... and always thank the inhabitants for their found ~ lost items. Every site has an aura, some not so apparent others hard not be aware of it either good or bad. I have been lucky enough to recover three GW buttons at two different sites and they were both sites of people of very limited means and both sites were inhabited for a very short amount of time. But there is clear feeling of patriotism and promise felt. I come across many sites like this that were very small and you know after scanning they were hardly there at all... did they get sick and die? Most likely this happened a lot, and is very sad... but other more defined sites have positive aura's that involve longer occupations. It is amazing how connected you become to these people the more of their personal belonging you reveal, and there is no greater rush then touching that personal object that cherished and last touched by the original owner. A connection only "we" will ever know.....

Whenever I find a 1700's flat button or shoe buckle I think, "The person who lost this item has been dead for over 200 years, but part of them still lives on"...

I've rode by certain places before and had a feeling there is silver in the ground. Now getting permission to follow up on that is not easy though. In a couple cases I did get such a feeling and secure permission silver coinage was found.
So yeah, I believe you can get tuned in to things. It's also regular with me to not get really good at a site until I've been there near an hour. It's after that time I start getting "directions". It's a subtle yet clear type feeling of "this is where something is" and sure enough out pops something interesting. I'm more of a coin person and in a lot of cases that feeling happens and I follow it coins are found.
I've tried to put it into words the best I can and hope it makes sense.

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