Detecting Advice


Jr. Member
Feb 24, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Many years ago while plowing, my Dad, saw a gold and diamond ring uncover and re-cover. He went to town and purchased what I believe was Garrett's only/entry model and was never able to locate it. His memory is still pretty good and he estimates it to be a foot deep. I've had no luck w/Whites 6000. Knowing dear old dad it must've been a helluva ring to compel the purchase of a metal det, he wouldn't pay a dollar 2 c a pss ant eat a bale of hay. Any suggestions/thoughts about recovery, unlikely location for modern jewelery . The field has lay fallow for 40yrs.

he wouldn't pay a dollar 2 c a pss ant eat a bale of hay.

Worth a like just to be privy to that old-timey vernacular. :thumbsup::laughing7:

Welcome to Tnet!

If it were me, and if I knew there was a diamond ring just waiting to be found (aren't they all?), I would use that as an excuse to buy a Whites TDI SL-12 at the very least, or even a CTX3030. There'd certainly be a lot smaller learning curve with the Whites for sure, but if you are not in a hurry, the CTX would be awesome.

Not knowing your detecting experience, I may be overstating the obvious, but slow and low and listing for those whispers will work wonders. Use some stakes and string and grid off areas to be thorough. Dig every signal. Eventually you will get it and probably a lot of goodies along the way.

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You say your dad's memory is pretty good. Do you think he remembers the exact spot give or take a few feet? Any landmarks nearby to orient yourself? Even slight depressions in a barren field could count as a landmark. If you think you can narrow it down to a few square feet, I'd buy a quality pinpointer and a extra shovel for a friend to help you. That's assuming you own the land.

Thanks for the help guys. I feel like I can get within a 50 yard radius. My experience level is not high, the 6000di didn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Dad saw the ring well enough to determine it was a large mans, gold. I need to mow it close, I wouldn't think it would migrate. The place has always been unimproved and doubtful if it had been plowed w/modern equip. Slight grade and I ? if its depth has changed, it catches some runoff.

It may have sunk deeper gold is heavier, a deep seeking machine may do the trick.
Invite over friends with detectors or a metal detecting club to help search.

Thats the conclusion I've come to. The only machine I have now is an F2 and it does better depth wise than I expected. I'm not familiar with aftermarket coils for the F2, is it possible to increase depth significantly? Mineralization is a factor. The mystery of how the ring got there is the compelling aspect that keeps me interested. Whether its old or 20th century. Some wet weather should help. Thanks for the input

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Has the field been turned over the years.It might not be as deep or it might be deeper then it was.Might not even be in the same spot anymore.If the field has been plowed over time since.Good luck,I hope you find it,

Thats the conclusion I've come to. The only machine I have now is an F2 and it does better depth wise than I expected. I'm not familiar with aftermarket coils for the F2, is it possible to increase depth significantly? Mineralization is a factor. The mystery of how the ring got there is the compelling aspect that keeps me interested. Whether its old or 20th century. Some wet weather should help. Thanks for the input

The 11"DD coil is the best for the f2. Good depth,more detection area and better at target separation. The 10" concentric coil is half the price and has good depth but the DD is far superior. It turns the f2 into a f4 just without the ground balance which would be nice to have. Nice to have a turn on and go machine if your soil is good though too! [emoji2]

The field has been turned once since then, now its pasture. I've spent several hours downstream and the terrain gets 2 b a factor. I had just gone to ebay to check coil prices. I don't notice much diff n the 4 and 8 but 11's design should help. I've read all I could find on migration of buried objects and nothing is predictable due to so many variables. I appreciate the help.

The field has been turned once since then, now its pasture. I've spent several hours downstream and the terrain gets 2 b a factor. I had just gone to ebay to check coil prices. I don't notice much diff n the 4 and 8 but 11's design should help. I've read all I could find on migration of buried objects and nothing is predictable due to so many variables. I appreciate the help.

If it's the f2 your sticking with than don't hesitate on the 11" DD. You won't be sorry.

Looks like the various NEL loops are getting good press. The Fisher 11 DD was about the only option at purchase time and probably the best choice.

It's been raining for days and since wet weeds give the F2 fits at times I'm going to test a theory I ran across about locating rings. This fellow claims reducing sens setting dramatically is the key to locating any hollow centered metal object. His data indicates targets other than rings may suffer

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Looks like the various NEL loops are getting good press. The Fisher 11 DD was about the only option at purchase time and probably the best choice.

It's been raining for days and since wet weeds give the F2 fits at times I'm going to test a theory I ran across about locating rings. This fellow claims reducing sens setting dramatically is the key to locating any hollow centered metal object. His data indicates targets other than rings may suffer

My f2 did take fits in wet grass with the regular coil. No problem with the 11" DD though. It took a bit getting used too but it gets easy quick. There are a few tips with it that help and you can PM me if your curious about them or you got any questions! [emoji2]

I will Klampett miss Big R's and The Williamson

What should I expect to pay and will the CZ coils fit the f2? Thx

Had inlaws and friends there for 30yrs and made the trip from Texas to hunt and fish. My ex father in law had ties to the Klamath Reservation and I was lucky to be able to gain access. A fellow I was introduced to lived on the Res year round under a 16' tarp. He taught flint knapping among other things. Most bands expect u 2 exchange gifts when you visit, he wanted dime store romance novels, strange I thought. Later I learned his female friend refused to stay w/him and the paperbacks were bait. He kept two old percolators over a fire pit on a steel jack plate, one was camp coffee the other he called company coffee. You did not want to confuse the two.....

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Finally got dry enough to get in the patch and eight hours produced three links of old chain,file and small brass buckle. Think I will expand the area as opposed to re-searching. Almost forgot a shotgun hull at about 6''s. So that gives me some insight as to last tilled depth I think.

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