Desert prospecting

I don't know, Tramp. Those rocks are for you young bucks! Not for me, anymore. Nice pics. Go get 'em! TTC

Dang Tramp, you guys are putting in the work, you deserve to see the rewards..

WOW! OUCH! You just had to go and post pictures of what I'm going to have to go through here on the property at some time in the future! Well at least I'll be able to return to the house every night for a good meal and a soft bed!

I dont think im finished with this spot just yet, i would like to try again if someone doesnt beat me to it.
im just gonna have to comeup with a differant plann of attack.
I was thinking of using a winch and jacks but i would have to put together a new crew. maybe i could plan on it for next winter and my buddy jake could help me.

we have to put it on the list of places to dig.

no time or funds, ive got to many projects left over from last year to get finished.
and that spot would require a few months to geter done.

very big and dangerous project, but if i did have the funds to atack it again i would! even with my bum hand.

I told ya we would return,
The good lord blessed us with a new parntner this week, hes an old time placer miner who roamed the hills with Dowie Crittindon of the Dale mining district, His name is Doc he was the local jawbreaker (dentist) in 29 palms, he heard of our digs down the honey bee mine and joined forces with us.

we now have paper and are ready to attack this mass of boulders again, and with any luck we can get them out of the hole and see whats underthem.
gonna take my time and try to get the big boulders whittled down to size, this week we are drilling and cracking at least one rock, we have to drill by hand so it will be a slow day or two.

we are parked on this one for the next 3 months or till we get to bedrock. kinda be nice change from hiking over all those rocks up that alluvial fan, over at the big mnt, that hike is brutal no flat land just
rocks. and the hike in is getting longer with each prospect.

we were having a hard time carring enough water to last, as we were so far in we had to camp over night, or walk out in the dark over three miles of rattler infested rock.
so this was a blessing that we are back at the honey bee mine to dig, we have a fine 2 wall stacked rock camp there, maybe we can add another wall and a piece of tin for shade this time.

threw in a pic of our claim sign my daughter Mojave made for me a few years ago, ive been working this area for at least 15 years and came up with the name whilst bleepin there, and being attacked by the worst
and most feared creature in this desert the africanized bee!!!!!
to wich i have many storys of being completly covered with these guys with only a bee hood for protection and miles out from my truck and many stings!

Good Luck N happy Hunting

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I am looking forward to pics of a great score. You are putting in the work, I would hope your reward is close at hand... Don't forget the picks


I am looking forward to pics of a great score. You are putting in the work, I would hope your reward is close at hand... Don't forget the picks

Rock pick, hoe pick, or those picks out of the pan? will take all three.

Wow! That is scary lookin. I'll be joinin you desert rats come winter. I spent my last winter in the city. Think i'll ease into it though with a trip to Quartzite in November first. The city is just too darn depressing. Everybody being laid off by the government and all. Not to mention the violence. Pretty sure i'll be alot happier in the desert, even if i don't find any gold.

Wow gold tramp I am impressed!! That is a lot of work, awesome pictures, you and the crew have really moved some rock. Best of luck with the adventure and I sure hope it pays off in the long run. Cute sign your daughter put together. Take care of yourself!...............63bkpkr/Herb

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