Death Is A Part Of Life


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Apr 3, 2006
Chesterfield, Va.
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I am amazed when I hear this, From someone who says that even 1 person that might be able to be saved by gun control warrants it's implementation.

1) There is proof that gun control causes more gun deaths, as shown by unfortunate statistics.
2) The user would hold up dead bodies if it furthered his career!
From the testimony today on Benghazi, where is basically saying, "get over it, things happen, people die".

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, tells Benghazi witnesses that "death is a part of life."

CUMMINGS: And, as I listen to your testimony I could not help but think of something that I said very recently -- two years ago now -- in a eulogy for a relative. I said that death is a part of life, so often we have to find a way to make life a part of death. And, I guess the reason why I'm saying that, going back to something Mr. Nordstrom said, he wanted, I guess all of you said this, he wanted to make sure we learn from this.

Guess we could drop leaflets in Syria that have that quote. Probably need 70 0r 80 thousand.
Or maybe we can justify the deaths with that dude who believed putting to many people on Guam would tip it over. He just might think the world is slowing down from the weight of to many people and that's what's causing Global warming.

This is just another example of someone having an agenda, and living only in that small tunnel. How can anybody be so cavalier over a human life? It is true that from the day we are born, our death is a foregone conclusion, but we don't to needlessly waste , or have someone else waste, our life. An elected Representative of this country, who makes a statement , ".....that people, get over it", to survivors of a terrorist attack on one of our embassy's, deserves nothing less than censure, and to be beaten out of Congress. But that won't happen, these hearings didn't even make tonights news! Jay Carney, the Administrations mouthpiece relates that it's old news, lets move on,.....we need to return to important issues and concerns like gun control, and immigration.

I only hope that before this is all done and said, someone in Congress stands up with some backbone, and takes these people to task. It's a sad day when the strongest nation in the world can't figure out how to protect it's own citizens, but think that they would be much better off by disarming them.


It's amazing in 2013 it would take 9 hr's to deploy (I don't know the distance from Italy to Benghazi) but I'm sure our jets can obtain some sort of mock speed. Maybe they were scared the sonic booms would disrupt the mating ritual of some blue whales. That would be more believable then the crapola the LF is spewing.
The other question is why arn't we ready? (I know no politics) But people with a half brain have to be questioning this.

If the government doesn't want to protect even an ambassador, what makes anyone think they are worried about us protecting ourselves. They said that a rescue could have been deployed that would take 3-1/2 to 4 hours to arrive. Then they stated there would not have been enough time. One thing I've not heard yet is how they would know there wasn't enough time. How did they KNOW that it would be OVER before help could arrive. 6 people drove off as many as 60 attackers at one point; what if they managed to continue doing that for a few more hours? Then there would be enough time. How did they KNOW FOR SURE there wasn't enough time. As our future president has stated, "What does it matter?" Oh yes folks, she'll get elected because she will preach continuing the freebies and the takers could care less about what a stupid bit$h she is. When I look back on things, I can't help but understand why Billy did some of the things he did. :)

The Gov't.needs to worry about our own people, and stop worrying about what other country's think. If they can't except the way our country does business, let's take all the foreign aid we spend, and lower our own deficit. Once they money stops flowing to build up these other country's militarys, and corrupt leaders, they will start singing a different tune. If they want us to continue our aid, they will have to start earning it.

They're still trying to down play thier screw-up . Too many important heads would roll . One way or the other , it will continue to be brushed under a rug just like the Fast & Furious . Count on it .

Impeach the leach! The criminal media and criminal govt officials are sure to bury this.

Well, realistically, death is part of life - when you are in the hands of the current inept regime.....

Impeach the leach! The criminal media and criminal govt officials are sure to bury this.

We do not want any impeachment proceedings before Jan 2014, after the midterm elections...Remember it is tried in senate.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

We do not want any impeachment proceedings before Jan 2014, after the midterm elections...Remember it is tried in senate.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I absolutely second this statement!

In the meantime, as more and more is discovered and revealed, his duck is going to get pretty darned lame......

I absolutely second this statement!

In the meantime, as more and more is discovered and revealed, his duck is going to get pretty darned lame......
Good point TH, I think its time to pluck that duck...

All I can say is:censored:!

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