Dear Santa,.....

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Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
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Wherever there be treasure!
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Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Dear Santa,
I know it's an unusual request, but this year do you think you could stick all of the real Thomas Beale facts and the proper ciphers with appropriate code keys in my stocking? I'm even planning to leave you an extra big glass of milk and plate with extra cookies on it right next to my best easy chair.

:icon_santa: HO HO HO! (Singing... SANTA BABY :wink:) "And a whole lotta COOKIES for ME!" :D :wink: :sunny:


Rebel - KGC said:
:D MAYBE, the EASTER BUNNY! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Golden egg with all the answers inside! :laughing9:

I thought you might have offered Santa: A hot babe in A Swim suite... :tongue3:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D (Singing BUNNY BABY... to the tune of SANTA BABY), "A WHOLE lotta candy for me!". :D :wink: :bunny:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D HOT Babes for Santa to Bunny Baby... BUT! We forgot the SUPERBOWL, 2012 & Valentine's Day! :o
SUPERBOWL, 2012 - :wav: THEN... :love7: May YOU find the treasure that YOU seek... :occasion18: :occasion16: :occasion18: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :wink:

Re: Dear... ?

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D HAPPY Valentine' s DAY! :hello2: :love9: The HEART is a BIG/HUGE symbol for KGC depositories; MAYBE
the HART (HEART) PAPERS offer a MORE "updated" clue(s) to the "BT"... :dontknow: BUT! :wink: POSSIBLE "BT" story for KGC/CSA Depositories to aid VMI @ 1885 or so. :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink: VMI has a WONDERFUL Honor Code! :wink: :lurk:

Re: Dear... ?

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :wink: AND! In Peter Viemeister's (RIP) last book on the BEALE TREASURE, it was VMI REBEL Officers (FreeMasons?), who "off-loaded" the "BT" (aka part of the CSA TREASURY) at Thaxton Switch, EAST of Bufordsville (aka Montvale). The old village of Thaxton, Va. DOES have old Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike as MAIN Street, today; there are roads that go up to the Peaks of Otter... AND! I suspect that the VMI REBS eventually moved the "BT" via Rt. 73 north along todays BRP down to Buchanon, Va.; NORTH on the Lexington Turnpike to LEXINGTON, Va. & VMI. FED-Land is the BRP... LOTS of "mining holes" "up there"! :wink: PV's (RIP) book... CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: DUTY, HONOR, & DECEIT (a FACTION! Novel Fiction with FACTS! :wink:) @ :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :icon_sunny: 8) MORE... TOMORROW! :wink:

Re: Dear... ?

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :wink: Today WAS tomorrow, YESTERDAY... OOPS! NOT a PHILOSOPHY class. ANYWAY... MORE from PV (RIP), in THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW HISTORY OF A MYSTERY... Chapt. 22, Mexican War & Confederacy; pg 166-173; "President Jefferson Davis had the authority to direct that the (CSA) TREASURY assets from Richmond be split by taking SOME to Danville and have SOME sent WEST to be stashed in a SAFE, REMOTE, RURAL SPOT somewhere near LYNCHBURG. Treasury assets would be HIDDEN, to be available for the CONFEDERACY to help pay its bills and continue to fiance the (CONFEDERATE) war." (pg 168-169). A lot of the info came from CONFEDERATE TREASURE IN DANVILLE by J. Frank Carroll, who "calculated that the assets leaving Richmond totaled about $ 600,000... including MEXICAN silver dollars (8 Reale coins) and jewelry which had been donated to the Confederate cause by southern ladies." (p 168) AND SO! PV (RIP) also wrote, "A message from Lee to the CSA Secretary of War in Richmond said, 'I think LYNCHBURG or some point WEST the MOST advantageous place to which to remove stores from Richmond.' NO other city was named. (p. 168) NOW! Some FACTS! Gen. Robert E. Lee & Paschal Buford were FRIENDS! Robert E. Lee, after the CONFEDERATE WAR was the FIRST person to ride his horse up to Sharp Top of the Peaks of Otter; he scanned the area, and later rode to BUFORDS & "over-nighted " with him. :wink:
MORE, later! :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

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