Dead Rabbits and Dope at the Soccer Complex


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer

And to think that I had actually believed it was a pretty day. So sad. Oh sure, I found some clad and other goodies, but all those poor little rabbits... It's a crying shame.. what a waste!
Today was my first day off the my three day cycle. I work a twelve hour shift on my job, three days a week, then off three days.. barring unforeseen overtime or emergencies that is. And on my first day off I, like most of you reading this, wanted to indulge in my favorite hobby. I wanted to go metal detecting. So, I did. After I took my darling wife to lunch first. She accompanied me while I went to "play". Pulling up to the fields that I was looking to search at the soccer complex not far from my home I took a moment to.. well.. take some pictures to share with you all. I panned the camera to take a couple of shots to show the fields that I was about to detect. Here they are cropped and combined to show sort of a small panorama view.

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Like I said.. it looked to be such a pretty day. What with the nasty big storm system headed this way from Ol' Ike in the Gulf of Mexico, via Texas and the southwest, I figured that Saturday would be nasty indeed. So, I took advantage of the nice weather today. After donning my gear, I hadn't even taken two steps when I started getting targets with my detector. Going to be a FINE day for sure! Of course, not every target is noteable. I mean, you can only exclaim about so many pull tabs and bits of can slaw right? Well I got them too, along with some coins.. and other odd bits and pieces and interesting stuff. At one end of the first field, about two lanes over from the far sideline (mowing lanes.. that's how I search these things.. make lanes back and forth down one edge of the field with my detector, like I'm mowing the lawn.) Anyway.. about two lanes in at one end I get a target id as a quarter. Happily I set to recoverring it. NOPE, wasn't a Quarter. It was the remnants of a 12 gauge shotgun shell. I'd say fairly old too as it probably had a paper casing with only the primer "shell" being metal. Later on about halfway across the field I got another surprise.. more munitions. This time a rifle shell, but I'm not sure what caliber this one was, it's got markings on the bottom of the shell but I can't make anything out of it. Maybe someone here can identify it.

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On a soccer field? Well I had to remind myself (and everyone tagging along with me now <grin>) that this soccer complex, in the park, was formerly farm land. I'm sure someone hunted on it at some time or another. But that doesn't explain some of the other things I found. Like the broken piece of a faucet handle, or the bit of threaded pipe that looked like a pinky ring for the Jolly Green Giant. Or this piece of metal angle (aluminum I think) or this tag or plate thing with GULFPORT 5 35 stamped on it.

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Of course I found pull tabs, and even a very LARGE pull tab with the lid still attached.. peanuts maybe? <shrug> As I neared the farside goal box (net) I found my first rabbit. Poor little thing was just lying there on its side, stiff as a board. Sad. But then there was another.. and another.. and another.. dozens of them! Oh My GOD! What could have caused all these poor little critters to crumble? Moldering in the grass. The flies were all over them, and the ants. *sigh* What a WASTE! That's when I found the box.. well that explains it! Someone just couldn't keep all those rabbits in a box and they got away from them.. well.. sort of.

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<one raised eyebrow> Ok.. Who's Ready for a snack?

Oh but the rabbits weren't the only things I found around the goal er..whatevers. I found this little ring at one end..

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I think it's copper with a paste stone of some sort in it. Definitely a child's ring, probably out of a gumball machine or something similar. <shrug> At the other end of the field, in front of the other goal, I found this chain, shown in another picture later. It was intact, though pretty corroded from having been in the dirt a while I guess. No, not silver or gold, not even plated with nickle or anything like that. It appears to be copper as well, it had a bit of a green tint to it when I first pulled it from the dirt. Not far from that chain was a pin. The first of three that I would find today. This one commemorates the little fracas we (our country) were involved in back in the '90's . You remember "Desert Storm"? Along with that pin, I found a couple of others at various points on the field. One for an invitational "youth Soccer Tournament" and one for a Fayette County Sheriff... it still had the little back "push clasp" on the pin post.

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I found stuff that had been hit by the blades of the lawn mowers used to keep the playing fields trimmed.. can slaw of course, and a medallion of some sort, it's pretty well mangled, even some of the coins I found were struck by the blades it would seem. Here's one penny in particular..seen here with two earrings I found today.. the posts might be silver but that's about it. <shrug>

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I found other goodies that weren't metal, as usual on a hunt in the park. Things like a child's sunglasses, plastic toys, hair clasps and clips. A plastic doll's shoe. I even found a pedometer.. that had been Ped on! <crunch> And then I found the princess! What a DOLL! <smile> Ok Ok Ok.. you know me too well by now. Here's her pick.. along with that dopey little guy with the candle. I combined their picture with the picture of the two toy cars I found today as well. Two more vehicles for Fro's Used Car Lot.

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There were a lot of items dug up and recovered today.. cleats, a dog tag (also struck by the lawn mower), keys (one struck by the mower) and a key chain "fob".

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And then there were the coins. <smiling> I found quite a few coins today. QUITE A FEW! Nothing terribly noteworthy, but I did find one shiny Susan B. Dollar coin.. along with lots and LOTS of other clad!

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$15.15 in clad to be exact... Yessir.. dead bunnies or not, I had a good day! Of course that breaks down to a little over $5.00 an hour.. I hunted this one field out of all the ones you see in the first picture it was the closest to the fence on the left side front... took me just under three hours to hunt the whole field. Oh yeah.. I was very busy digging targets, that's why it took so long.<grin> A good day indeed! Ok. That's it for today. My darling wife's patience was flagging, it was getting rather warm and it was nearing dinner time, or at least time to start preparing dinner anyway. So I called it a day and headed home to sort through all my goodies and count my bounty. Alas, it'll probably be raining tomorrow, but at least it won't be nearly as bad as the poor folks along the gulf coast are getting even as I type this in. Hang On everyone! I hope you make it through ok. As for everyone else.. as always..

Happy Hunting!


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You sure are a nut sometimes. That is a full day of diggin for sure. Always love the stories. Glad ya had a fun hunt. ::)


You got me on that one, Frodov!

I thought perhaps you got into a BAD place and might have run into cyanide caps...

Out here in CA desert, govt trappers used cyanide devices to kill varmints.
NOT a good thing.

I'd not be happy to hear about someone finding them with a MD.

Cute little cheddar bunnies!
Goldfish are ok, but I like the white cheddar cracky's best.


Fro!!!!! You absolutely kill me! Damn near spit water all over my keyboard (yet again)! Dead rabbits. Here I am, ready to drive out to Lex to find the dastardly devil that committed such a heinous crime as the "Soccer field Bunny Massacre"..... ;D

You really should think about starting your MD adventures manuscript now. Thanks again for a great post! :thumbsup:

Gee please give more warning when posting horrible pic's like this. Those poor bunnies. And on a soccer field. What a waste,
Great telling of another wonderful adventure.
TN. Joe

You're a freak. Maybe we can meet up sometime.
I'm still kinda trying to organize a Lex club.

wildrider said:
You're a freak. Maybe we can meet up sometime.
I'm still kinda trying to organize a Lex club.

I'm glad that people enjoy my enthusiasm for this hobby. If I can share the joy by relating stories about it then I'm happy to do so. As for that Lex club you mentioned. I'd be all for it! If nothing else but to meet some fellow detectorists in this area and share stories. <smile> You got my address (email anyway) and you know I'm on here at TNet all the time so I'm not too hard to find if you or anyone else gets something going. I'll do my best to at least attend a meeting or two or all of them. <grin> Keep in touch my friend!

Happy Hunting!


I'll bet your back is kind of sore right about now
congrats on all your finds

Sounds like you had a good day! That field must have been filled with targets! I am amazed that you only hunted a portion of the field. Congratulations! :)

Sniffer said:
I'll bet your back is kind of sore right about now
congrats on all your finds

Actually my back *IS* kind of sore.. but not from all the digging as you might assume. <grin> I picked tomatoes and then apples later that same day.. oh and green beans too. But that was all yesterday. If I'd actually been out detecting again today (which I did, but not for very long) it wouldn't have been so tight. My wife and I took in a movie this afternoon and all that sitting around let my back muscles tighten up. <shrug> Oh well. If you get a chance, check out the movie "Burn After Reading". It's a little hard to follow at first, but it's hillarious in just how scarily true it probably reflects our government in action. <rolling eyes>

Happy Hunting!



I always enjoy reading your posts! I was worried about the bunnies until I saw the pics. Thanks for sharing with us and keep 'em coming!


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