DC cops raid home, drag 16-year-old naked from the shower, arrest father for 2 EMPTY


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Jul 27, 2006
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This is the future for this country if we continue to allow this once great country to degrade down the path we are on...

DC cops raid home, drag 16-year-old naked from the shower, arrest father for 2 EMPTY shell casings

This story absolutely makes my blood boil. *Washington DC police in full tactical gear recently raided the home of a businessman and after terrorizing the family, arrested the father for two empty ammunition casings.*

from Washington Times:

The police banged on the front door of Mr. Witaschek’s Georgetown home at 8:20 p.m. on July 7, 2012, to execute a search warrant for “firearms and ammunition … gun cleaning equipment, holsters, bullet holders and ammunition receipts.”

Mr. Witaschek’s 14-year-old daughter let inside some 30 armed officers in full tactical gear.
D.C. law requires residents to register every firearm with the police, and only registered gun owners can possess ammunition, which includes spent shells and casings. The maximum penalty for violating these laws is a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.

Police based their search on a charge made by Mr. Witaschek’s estranged wife, who had earlier convinced a court clerk to issue a temporary restraining order against her husband for threatening her with a gun, although a judge later found the charge to be without merit.

After entering the house, the police immediately went upstairs, pointed guns at the heads of Mr. Witaschek and his girlfriend, Bonnie Harris, and demanded they surrender, facedown and be handcuffed.

In recalling what followed, Mr. Witaschek became visibly emotional in describing how the police treated him, Ms. Harris and the four children in the house.

His 16-year-old son was in the shower when the police arrived. “They used a battering ram to bash down the bathroom door and pull him out of the shower, naked,” said his father.*“The police put all the children together in a room, while we were handcuffed upstairs. I could hear them crying, not knowing what was happening.”

Police spokesman Gwendolyn Crump would not provide further information on the events in this case.

The police shut down the streets for blocks and spent more than two hours going over every inch of his house. “They tossed the place,” said Mr. Witaschek. He provided photos that he took of his home after the raid to document the damage, which he estimated at $10,000.

The police found no guns in the house, but did write on the warrant that four items were discovered: “One live round of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition,” which was an inoperable shell*that misfired during a hunt years earlier. Mr. Witaschek had kept it as a souvenir. “One handgun holster” was found, which is perfectly legal.

“One expended round of .270 caliber ammunition,” which was a spent brass casing.*The police uncovered “one box of Knight bullets for reloading.” These are actually not for reloading, but are used in antique-replica, single-shot, muzzle-loading rifles.

read the rest

This is an absolute outrage and a gross violation of the 2nd and 4th Amendments. *The police commander and the district attorney who signed off on this raid should be stripped of their positions and charged with harassment, theft, destruction of property, assault, and reckless endangerment of minors. They should serve time in Federal prison for such gross misconduct.*

This is the state of gun control in the US. *Police in cities like DC, New York, and Chicago will exploit any minuscule tittle in the law that gives them the vaguest excuse to harass innocent people. *Actions like these don’t make anybody safer. *They are acts of tyranny, pure and simple.

This man and his children committed no crime, yet they were treated worse than murderers and child molesters. The madness has to stop. *We must demand accountability for these officials outrageous actions.*

Poor Richard's News - DC cops raid home, drag 16-year-old naked from the shower, arrest father for 2 EMPTY shell casings

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There are lawyers who recommend a restraining order during a divorce when representing a woman. Yes the order his butt out and don,t get funny with the accounts representation. Been there.A wife hits herself in the head with a brick and points at you when the police arrive ,guess whos going away?(No brick but good try,it all most worked.)
Court clerk and the Mrs. should be sharing a jail cell and paying restitution.That would be a good start. The ambition of the police, I don,t know who would need to look in to them and the D.A. but not expecting much to come of it.They are just doing what their supposed to do.The pillars of society will thank them for keeping them safe.:notworthy:

There are lawyers who recommend a restraining order during a divorce when representing a woman. Yes the order his butt out and don,t get funny with the accounts representation. Been there.A wife hits herself in the head with a brick and points at you when the police arrive ,guess whos going away?(No brick but good try,it all most worked.)
Court clerk and the Mrs. should be sharing a jail cell and paying restitution.That would be a good start. The ambition of the police, I don,t know who would need to look in to them and the D.A. but not expecting much to come of it.They are just doing what their supposed to do.The pillars of society will thank them for keeping them safe.:notworthy:

They are not doing what they are suppose to do when they kick in the door of law abiding citizens with no probable cause, then arrest for a couple shells, not live shells, spent shells and a misfire...

Can we say police state, but then again that is their aim....

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now Free

Acting on a warrant, they had their legal green lite!Boys sporting woodies and toting arms are not there for tea.
Wish is was only Washington, no offence to many there,
Checking neighbors alarm while armed two officers came in door I unlocked , no not for tea either.The service that called them,me and owner told them who I was and what I was driving long before they even arrived. Had to stop one when he was leaving to get my license back. Why were they entering a building not knowing where I was or confirming my being in a structure on property? Their tactic but soon as they entered they were at risk. Besides not being able to know what was going on outside from other buildings and directions.Thanks guys,I should have asked what they would have done if all doors were locked.Three were not.We,ll just play peek a boo.

And Ted Cruz shouldn't say things after returning to Texas like he's glad to be back in America?? The so-called law is going to go too far with the wrong guy and the swhtf!!

Most of the police go way beyond what they really need to do and are more than pleased to do so, most are nothing more than paid thugs for the politicians.
There are lawyers who recommend a restraining order during a divorce when representing a woman. Yes the order his butt out and don,t get funny with the accounts representation. Been there.A wife hits herself in the head with a brick and points at you when the police arrive ,guess whos going away?(No brick but good try,it all most worked.)
Court clerk and the Mrs. should be sharing a jail cell and paying restitution.That would be a good start. The ambition of the police, I don,t know who would need to look in to them and the D.A. but not expecting much to come of it.They are just doing what their supposed to do.The pillars of society will thank them for keeping them safe.:notworthy:

Makes my blood boil, too. Man gets busted for "possession of a spent casing"? YGTBFKM!!!

Law enforcement is straining at gnats while ignoring the elephant stampede of
lawbreakers in the White House.

Take note folks: It won't be too many years until issues like this
one will be so commonplace that they don't even make the newspapers
any more.

Another civil war is coming, that, or soon the US will be no better than
the old USSR, or Nazi Germany back in the late 30's and 40's.

Makes my blood boil, too. Man gets busted for "possession of a spent casing"? YGTBFKM!!!

Law enforcement is straining at gnats while ignoring the elephant stampede of
lawbreakers in the White House.

Take note folks: It won't be too many years until issues like this
one will be so commonplace that they don't even make the newspapers
any more.

Another civil war is coming, that, or soon the US will be no better than
the old USSR, or Nazi Germany back in the late 30's and 40's.

Starting to wonder if those are storm clouds on the horizon......:banghead:

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This is the kind of treatment "Fast Terry" McAuliffe wants to bring to the state of Virginia if he is elected governor. After all, he has the money backing of Bloomberg and Monica's opponent Hilary "what does it matter" Clinton.....

It was only briefly mentioned, that the "Mrs" had a hand, in possibly bringing this in to her childrens' lives.
Please trust, that this woman did not just matter-of-factly state, "oh btw, he has a gun". I'm sure she pushed and pushed with melodramatics, to the point she got "some" kind of result. "Oh he's crazy, said he'll kill us all. I fear for my babies, etc, blah blah blah".
Good honest businessmen, with children in a home, don't just "have" these type things befall them. There is usually a source.
What's the saying, hell hath no fury.......

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

It was only briefly mentioned, that the "Mrs" had a hand, in possibly bringing this in to her childrens' lives.
Please trust, that this woman did not just matter-of-factly state, "oh btw, he has a gun". I'm sure she pushed and pushed with melodramatics, to the point she got "some" kind of result. "Oh he's crazy, said he'll kill us all. I fear for my babies, etc, blah blah blah".
Good honest businessmen, with children in a home, don't just "have" these type things befall them. There is usually a source.
What's the saying, hell hath no fury.......

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

I dont think your wrong pat.

Hell hath no fury like a VINDICTIVE woman.

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now Free

The reporter who exposed this is now in trouble: Feds confiscate investigative reporter?s confidential files during raid | The Daily Caller

Police execute search warrant and took her evidence into evidence. They have accessed her facebook account and more underhanded goings on are included in the article

Another example of the New World Order Socialist State they elected.



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TH, do you think it would be advantageous to split this topic into a kind of "cause and effect" type of "update" to the original topic

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