Silver Member
Yesterday we had torrential rain here all day, so expectations weren’t high for getting out today, but we gave it a go!
Shooting season here so finding a field on Saturday is more tricky, but the sheep have been taken off the Barn field, so we thought we would try there, we spent a lot of time here earlier on in the year, so slim pickings, but I saved the day! Himself found all the buttons and the musket ball, the rest were mine 😂 xx
Nice little Buckle, big old pot mend, bit of spur, picked up some more tessera and a ring pull (a Rare find for us) 😂 a tack pin, and strange button (?) more buttons, 3 toasted pre dec, and 3 lovely Romans I think the big one is a Sestertius…! xx
Shooting season here so finding a field on Saturday is more tricky, but the sheep have been taken off the Barn field, so we thought we would try there, we spent a lot of time here earlier on in the year, so slim pickings, but I saved the day! Himself found all the buttons and the musket ball, the rest were mine 😂 xx
Nice little Buckle, big old pot mend, bit of spur, picked up some more tessera and a ring pull (a Rare find for us) 😂 a tack pin, and strange button (?) more buttons, 3 toasted pre dec, and 3 lovely Romans I think the big one is a Sestertius…! xx
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