
Hero Member
Dec 26, 2004
Berthoud CO
Detector(s) used
White's DFX, White's MXT, Fisher Gold Bug II
Only been a registered user at this site since December 26, and only visited for a short while before registering but noticed a few things I'll share now.? There were only a few more than 3,000 members when I joined, and I watched that number go to nearly 4,000 in less than 2 weeks.? The number has fallen by a couple of hundred in the past few days so not sure what that's about.? Also, I tend to watch the numbers involved in the postings such as number of times read and number of replies.? (These are fun things to an accountant, though only god knows why).? Something I noticed today were the numbers that went up with Onion's posting about pulling his pictures, To the Board and all members.? This is the first time I've seen a single posting, that wasn't a pole, put up these kinds of numbers!? In a little more than 11 hours, 546 viewings and 54 posts!!!? Hopefully something was learned by all today.? I learned Onion, that there are far more people diggin' your posts than trashing them.? That the readers do so because they enjoy learning your talent.? That people are both positive and negative, and the positive ones far outnumber the nay-sayers.? That (just in case you weren't listening to your mommy), "If you don't have something positive to say, don't say anything at all."? That positive people, ( I consider this synonomous with Americans),? don't just stand by and watch a good person get trashed.? And finally that the torrent of positive comments and support seemingly washed these negative members right off the site.? Say....Maybe that's why the membership fell a little.? See how well a democracy works?

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actually the membership fell because I deleted all the old unactivated accounts - many were probably due to invalid email addresses.

(you are paying attention that's for sure! :) )


I have never paided attention to the numbers, but it sounds like you have. Thanks for the kind words although I don't think the membership of this fourum has increased because of me. I'm just a small fry in the world of detecting I'm sure people come and go from this site all the time.


You read it here folks.......His name is OnionHead, and he approved this message!!! ;)

Onionhead - I'm a newbie (this is my fourth post), but the reason I decided to join in was that I really enjoyed your pictures and comments about your finds. Then, when I get signed up, I find that you pulled all the stuff I really liked. Don't listen to the sour grapes clowns; they'd probably bitch if they had to bend over to pick up a dollar in the gutter. Keep them pictures and comments comin'. I got a white's MXT for Christmas, and now that the rain has stopped here in SoCal, I can't wait to find some treasures and put up my own pictures.

? >:(? I SURE HATE TO SAY THIS...? >:(
AND! We really need to do away with that old saying....
I am afraid that your mother, bless her for her good intentions,
? ? "WAS WRONG!"
I know what the old saying,? says ;)...
If no one ever expressed a negative opinion/comment,? "PC", we'll all be in a world of trouble!

Hateful and biased opinions/comments, not withstanding!
? If someone has done something wrong, they should be held responsible!

? >:(? NOW!? Because someone may think... :-[
That, I? have riled up against:
Motherhood? :)? ...Apple Pie? ?:P? and the American way!? ::)
Please go to the "post", today, @ 7:25 am, in this forum, "Today's Finds", of? "Little Ole Lady"!
Of, what can what happen, by keeping silient and the negative to yourself!!!

Hi Cptbil. Thanks for your comment and the tactful way you delivered it. I'll keep this short because I didn't intend to turn a detector forum into a school for ethics, though I for one would hope that morals would guide all of our decisions. I think that the next sentence in my original post would apply to this situation more than the one you pointed out. I love debating as much as the next guy and cherish that guarantee by our constitution. What fevered me into making my post, was the baseless accusations of Onionheads character. Obviously, the coin shop owner was devoid of any conscience, ethics, morals and should have been "schooled" more severely than just boycotting his store. Unfortunately, SOME people put money ahead of all other considerations. I like to think that they are a minority. Maybe I'm diluted. But from all the threads I've read on this site from people that go out of their way to return items to their rightful owners, I'd like to think that this is a gathering of good people! I stand by my original point, that someone that want's to assassinate someone elses character without reason should just keep their mouth shut!


I couldn't have said that any better, I sent this guy a P/M asking him if he thought I had done something wrong.

I don't understand the logic but everyone has a opinion.


Hmmm, not to be rude or anything but, I have no idea what the heck u guys are talking about but it sounds like somebody thinks Onionheads posts did somthing to the member amount and i would parsly agree, HH CS

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