CW Camp Finds Again! FIRST BELT PLATE!


Full Member
Dec 20, 2008
Detector(s) used
White's MXT 300 w/950 coil, Bounty Hunter, Discover 3300 w/a 10" Bounty Hunter, Magnum Power Search Coil
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I was off work today, so daddy called and asked if I wanted to go hit the camp again today. I was glad I did....I FOUND MY FIRST BELT PLATE! I will be smiling for weeks!

Here are our complete finds from today....




It still has leather in one of the hooks!!!!!!

My second Riflemans buckle from this camp...

This is a backing plate for a clock. It has ANSONIA CLOCK CO. stamped in the back of it...

Little lady or roman soldier? Chess piece? Some sort of other trinket?

She/He is about the same size as a 3 does appear to be pewter though..

This appears to be a brass wedding ring...

This was a neat little buckle of sorts...

This was a pretty cool little hammer that daddy pulled up. The handle is iron as well...

This camp has been a lot of fun the last 3 weeks. We have pulled some great relics from it... Here is a link to see some of the other relics we have found from this camp site, and it includes more links at the end of it....this is the 5th Todays Finds that I have posted from this camp, and the finds keep getting better every time we go!....,225138.msg1635133.html#msg1635133

Thanks for looking!

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I think the REAL star of that hunt is the frame buckle. :)

FANTASTIC finds!!! :thumbsup:


BuckleBoy said:
I think the REAL star of that hunt is the frame buckle. :)

FANTASTIC finds!!! :thumbsup:


Hey thanks...its super cool!

Congrats on your first plate!!! and some awesome other finds! keep it up :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Wonderful collection of relics. Make my heart skip a beat ! Monty

Hey, thanks guys and gals!

I just took another look at that wedding band and it appears to have an inscription on the inside of it....Its pretty wild that you can see it after 144 years and 5 months! I will do some more cleaning on it and see if I can make it out, or even take a pic of it to share with you guys!

Thanks for looking!

Outstanding Sir!!! Man the carbine sling buckle is in Great shape. Congrats on the belt plate.

WTG on the great finds. I just found one of thoses clock pieces and had no idea what it was. I think you ID'd it for me. I'll check for some markings

Very nice collection of old relics.

Thanks for sharing

Congrats Cody on some great digs! The plate is super sweet!


crazyjarhead said:
WTG on the great finds. I just found one of thoses clock pieces and had no idea what it was. I think you ID'd it for me. I'll check for some markings

I'm pretty sure thats what it is. If I'm wrong, I'm sure somebody with a little more knowledge will correct me... :wink: The writing is REALLY fine and hard to read. I googled clock parts and thats what I have come up with, even though I did not find an exact match. Of course the company that made this part has been out of business for almost 90 years too....

I know where I would be the next time that I got out for some MDing.
Congrats on your first buckle.Still looking for my first.
But I can see you found several nice relics :thumbsup:


Wonderful relics!!!
Looks like an awesome place to hunt!!!

Excellent Finds there buddy, I absolutely love that frame buckle, great work and keep em comin :thumbsup:


hey dude i got one just like it i found mine down in ga when i lived thrie but mine is cs same back hooks and mine has all the lead in still awesome find my friend i found mine in a rifle pit down on nicka jack creek keep it low and slow :thumbsup: kansas coin hunter

Great Finds and congrats on the buckle!

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