Bronze Member
Been hitting the same site for years and routinely hit hot spots on the large plot of land. I have been metal detecting for about 10 years now and have made some great finds but a buckle has eluded me. The ground has been frozen off and on which has prevented me from detecting this winter but finally temperatures warmed up and I went out following a good rain. I started to hit bullet after bullet but also dug a lot of cans and can slaw. I was using my CTX3030 when I got a screaming signal hunting in relic mode with very little discrimination. I thought it was another can cause I never found anything big at this location. I recovered the object at about 8 inches and broke the plug open. I immediately saw US and became dumbfounded. All this time and it happened when I least expected. I found plenty of campfire lead and dropped bullets. One button fell apart in my hand while the other cleaned up enough to see the “I”. The large cent is toasted. I went back to the same area and was only able to locate one more bullet. I can mark this off my bucket list. The back of the buckle is puppy paw style. Thanks for reading and happy hunting.