I hung up my rock hunting boots over 25 yrs ago but after reading on here the past few days; it got the blood flowing again; so I thought well it will be shady on the creek and I've never tried creek hunting before so I'll go for a little while; bad decision; after about 1/2 mile with over a 100 degree heat index; and not even a peace of flint to show I'd had more then enough; if I'd been looking for junk it would have been a gold mine; found everything from gates to tv's. And I wouldn't want anyone else to tell this but I will tell it on myself; I did have one little bit of excitment; thought I had found a cannon ball; but after about 5 minutes of digging in the old gray creek mud; I found that it had three holes in one side; who in haties throws a bowling ball in the creek; so after this little trip; think I'll put the boots back up. Till spring anyway.