First off I'd like to say I really appreciate all the info on this website and the obvious enthusiasm people have here. That being said, my first question is about the piece on the left. It was given to me by my Grandmother. She grew up around Lampassas Texas and also owned an antique shop most of her life. She does not remember where or when she got. I'm wondering if it's paleo and would like to see what ya'll think. It is thin and very well made. Since it is not a personal find I am considering getting it authenticated because, although I don't doubt my Grandma, after growing up around the antique shop I'm a pessimist. My second question is about the other piece. Personal find that is almost perfectly symmetrical. The corner that is broken appears to have the beginnings of a hole drilled that may have caused the break or may just be wishful thinking. All that work to break it on the first hole and then just give up? I don't know. Not that much experience with this type of artifact. I do know that nature does some interesting stuff with rocks so it may be nothing. Is this a shape a gorget would be?I appreciate all opinions in advance. Hope everyone has a great 4th of July.