Consumer Reports: ‘Stay Away From’

Aug 20, 2009
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Consumer Reports: ‘Stay Away From’

Alec Torres
National Review
October 21, 2013

Consumer Reports, which publishes reviews of consumer products and services, advised its readers to avoid the federal health-care exchange “for at least another month if you can.” “Hopefully that will be long enough for its software vendors to clean up the mess they’ve made,” the magazine said, having tested the site themselves over the course of the past three weeks.

Noting that only 271,000 of the 9.47 million people who tried signing up in the first week managed to create an account, Consumer Reports then provided a few tips to those attempting to slog through the application process. From attempting successive logins because “error messages . . . may not always match reality” to checking one’s inbox frequently because missing an e-mail a user will be timed out of the site and forced to start from square one, none of the suggestions guaranteed success.

The magazine has also released a string of scathing reviews. On October 1, the day the Obamacare exchanges went online, the magazine told people to be patient: “Don’t worry if you can’t sign up today or even within the next couple of weeks.” A week into enrollment, they urged again to “wait a couple weeks and hope that the site irons out its many problems” because the is “barely operational.”

As the editors continued to review the website over the next few days, they only had one positive statement: “On the plus side,” they noted, “consumers coming to are no longer stopped cold by an error message or a screen saying they’ve been put in a waiting line.”

Now three weeks into the exchanges, having offered reviews and advice, Consumer Reports said that “if all [these suggestions] are too much to absorb, follow our previous advice: Stay away from,” at least for the time being.

Via the Washington Times.

When I logged on Tuesday, my system files were accessed by someone or something at but I think my computer is now clean. Still monitoring for more bad behavior.

PLEASE! ... Remember to always practice safe computing ... go to Sandboxie - Sandbox software for application isolation and secure Web browsing ... a condom for your computer.

You can still be hacked, but it isn't as simple for them. I mean, look at how bad the site works.

I say if you absolutely feel you must be one of the Sheep, & sign up for Obumma-Bail-out,
Do it by phone, or insist on a Personal Meeting in an office somewhere.

Suppose They Gave A War and Nobody Came, same thing applies to this nightmare.
if 90% of the population just ignored it, the law would have been repealed.

I say whatever you do, don't openly invite them into your computer & Life.

This whole sign up by computer thing may have a multi-purpose.

to save time & keep up with the computer age Newbies,
you may need to invite them in


Sign up in person, & only tell them what you feel is relevant.
( do you drink ? no
do you smoke ? no
do you wipe twice ? no
do you have a computer ? no
smart Phone ? no
do say yes much ? no

preexisting conditions?doesn't matter according to the O'booba in office,
so NO

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I say if you absolutely feel you must be one of the Sheep, & sign up for Obumma-Bail-out,
Do it by phone, or insist on a Personal Meeting in an office somewhere.

Suppose They Gave A War and Nobody Came, same thing applies to this nightmare.
if 90% of the population just ignored it, the law would have been repealed.

I say whatever you do, don't openly invite them into your computer & Life.

This whole sign up by computer thing may have a multi-purpose.

to save time & keep up with the computer age Newbies,
you may need to invite them in

View attachment 885674

Sign up in person, & only tell them what you feel is relevant.
( do you drink ? no
do you smoke ? no
do you wipe twice ? no
do you have a computer ? no
smart Phone ? no
do say yes much ? no

preexisting conditions?doesn't matter according to the O'booba in office,
so NO

If anyone opposed to this socialist law just goes to a local insurance company and buys health insurance on their own the law will fall flat on its face.

It can't support itself without the middle class subsidizing it.....

I will not support it period.

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

why that's a great idea TH. Go for it:headbang:

Oh Davest, I fully intend to....

Looks like you will need it for that head injury from banging your head though....:D

"...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it"
-Thomas Jefferson

Don't Signup for ObamaCare - You'll Regret it

Don't signup for Obamacare, don't even use the website or phone number - You'll Regret it.

First, your painting a target on your back with the IRS. If you signup and give all your particulars (including your bank account and routing numbers, Social Security Number and Date of Birth - A ID THEFTS DREAM) but don't buy insurance. Guess who will be watching you! Yes, the IRS.

The IRS who Doesn't target tea parties, who doesn't audit people. Yeah Right; that IRS.

Second: Oh, and if you don't buy, will be looking to extract that PENALTY (Supremes say a tax) DIRECTLY FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT at the best possible time (Naught!).

Oh, and you young people, if you look but don't buy, guess what? You've told them where you are and will pay for the rest of your life. How happy will you be?

Oh, and that PENALTY, will get bigger, much bigger in just a few years.

Thirdly: If you do buy health insurance through Obamacare, you will be paying an ABORTION SURCHARGE. Yes, you too can share in the blood of the unborn. You too can share in the blood of the innocent.

Don't Signup for ObamaCare, Don't even visit the website or pickup the phone - YOU'LL REGRET IT.

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

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Why in the world would anybody go onto a website staffed by a bunch of unknowns and unlicensed people and hand them every bit of personal information they have?

Sure unknown lady in an unknown place who is unlicensed with an unknown criminal history, here is my SSN, bank account information, DL number, DOB, address, phone number, medical history, financial history, kids names, ages and on and on...

Oh gaud, now you're quoting freerepublic as a source:BangHead:

Davest that does not change what it says nor make the points any less valid. ....

I will not support or subsidize bo care even if i had to pay more per month and I am not the only one....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

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