Confirmed Site in Mindanao, Philippines (Need GPR)

I can be there in about 15 years. i have to retire first. Please stay close to the treasure and don't let anyone come near it till i get there. BTW I am an American too. No BS

In 15 years ah? Haha i appreciate the offer my friend but i cant wait that long. But hey im sure ill have something else for you by then. Take care

I'm no Gringo but I think I'm going to enjoy reading through your wry banter. A perfect Mike Nichols script unfolding halfway across the globe. A Jack Lemmon in Mindanao and a Walter Matthau in Greenboro, S.C.
Seriously. No BS.

I'll take advantage of the intermission by giving an unsolicited suggestion with regards to the GPR. Why not use at least 2 GPRs for the job, one operated by an aspiring treasure hunter and the other by a no-nonsense bona fide geophysicist? It would be quite interesting to compare notes. However, for all we know Lady Luck will still be the final determinant of the outcome. We'd all love to see the gold bars' heart-stopping glint in the light of day (if ever the finder-keepers will allow).

Everyone can disregard my request for a scanner. It looks like the whole thing could have been a big scam from the beginning. I found out those guys I hired to scan were using phony equipment they made themselves. It definitely looked real at the time and I wanted to believe it but apparently they have a reputation that I am only just now finding out about. ...Once again the treasure eludes me...

If I may add-- experienced treasure hunters are all too aware that the presence of signs, scanty or numerous strongly suggests that the treasure being searched for is somewhere else. Kudos for being forthright.

All long range locators are a scam. Period.

So some guys told you there were gold bars buried at 7 to 10 Ft down.... And they used a LRD, that they made at hut (ie:home) and you dare to believe this is a scam. Come on, it's the Philippines,

Sir, I beg of you, please reconsider. At least dig a few holes to verify that Yamashita's gold bars are NOT there.

The gentleman who started this thread is right. There is Yamashita treasure scattered all over in the island of Mindanao. Like everybody else bitten by the gold bug, being in the right place is one thing. Pinpointing the exact spot where a trove is hidden or buried is another. But three lucky people I came across over the years said YES, IT'S THERE.

try to call this person from Mindanao, Lexter Jacob Manabat for OKM rover and gadget. He might can help you.

If you're somewhere "200 km in either direction", then you must be in the central highlands where the opposing forces of the U.S. and Japan fought fiercely in the closing months of WWII. At this time of the year the ground is wet and digging in a typical clayey lateritic soil is no picnic. I wouldn't be surprised if a GPR will not work as expected considering the fact that it will be scanning a ground with a relatively high electrical conductivity and therefore satisfactory depth penetration and resolution will be unavoidable negative considerations.

Since you have invested so much time, effort and money into the project, why not take a short break and review all the information and data at hand-- separating the chaff from the grain, so to speak? Think like a WWII Japanese officer tasked with concealing war booty and consider if the site you're working on is an ideal one for such an activity. Who knows the place is just a repository of signs or landmarks pointing to another place within walking distance where the Yamashita treasure is actually buried? The Japanese in WWII were masters of the art of concealment.

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