Colonial wrench


Jr. Member
Nov 26, 2012
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Ok guys, last time I had my mystery solved really fast. Here is a wrench I found, I'm figuring its a buggy or wagon wrench. My question is why does it have a hole in the handle? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Also trying to find out about how old it is.



Coinshooter2012 said:
Ok guys, last time I had my mystery solved really fast. Here is a wrench I found, I'm figuring its a buggy or wagon wrench. My question is why does it have a hole in the handle? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Also trying to find out about how old it is.

I was thinking its a plow wrench.

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So if I'm thinking right the hole in the middle may have been for tightening the leathers?

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There appears to be a makers mark beneath the open end at the top... A good cleaning would help ID it (and won't hurt the value any).
On a side note Anyone; what's a good old wrench guide to buy? That's going on my x-mas list.

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nhbez, here are good wrench books.

Wrench Collecting Books for Sale

(The history of old time farm implement companies )shows the syracuse wrench in this post.

Coinshooter sorry I cant answer the question of the center hole or exact age other than early 1900s.
I also do not know the exact use of this wrench . John deere owned scp co. after 1910
but scp made plows and other farm implements so I think its for one of those and not for a tractor.

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Thanks guys. I'm thinking this I a great piece to hang on in my garage. Thanks for the ID. This was found at a 1800 colonial foundation. It was in the middle of a quad trail that ran behind 6 foundations about a mile and a half in the woods.

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Nice find and ID work guys! They look so nice when they're new and shiny..

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Another GREAT ID! Dare I say, is Taz42o the new PBK?

Seriously, fantastic work to all involved.

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Yoda like would not you say, hmmm. Yeesss.
It would be nice to see the old PBK avatar back...
Thanks for the book tip Taz42o. -Ben

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