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When I go to field ( large open areas, no contaminated, where I know could be coins from 1770 to 1914; myself or others found coins in that range in that field) I like to use the following configuration to go deeper ( its what I have been working, not means it is the best)
Field 2, sensibility 25 or as high as area permits, speed recovery 1, yes I said 1; frecuency 5, automatic ground balancing. ( issue with this frecuency is that I gain tones clarity, but targets ID’s go up with this frequency what make a sensation that the Target could be an old coins and shut me trash most of the times, and some times “yes, it is an old coin”
Ex.- Same Target before dig it, with frequency in 5 triger 24 ID very clear and clean tone, then When I change to multy frequency in the same target before dig it, the sígnal goes down to 17 ID clear but no necesarily clean tone.
Bottom line, It is the configuration that I belive go deeper for finding old coins!!
What do you think about it?
Any diferent Good configuration for go deeper?
Any comment?
Any 👍🏽?
Any advice?
When I go to field ( large open areas, no contaminated, where I know could be coins from 1770 to 1914; myself or others found coins in that range in that field) I like to use the following configuration to go deeper ( its what I have been working, not means it is the best)
Field 2, sensibility 25 or as high as area permits, speed recovery 1, yes I said 1; frecuency 5, automatic ground balancing. ( issue with this frecuency is that I gain tones clarity, but targets ID’s go up with this frequency what make a sensation that the Target could be an old coins and shut me trash most of the times, and some times “yes, it is an old coin”
Ex.- Same Target before dig it, with frequency in 5 triger 24 ID very clear and clean tone, then When I change to multy frequency in the same target before dig it, the sígnal goes down to 17 ID clear but no necesarily clean tone.
Bottom line, It is the configuration that I belive go deeper for finding old coins!!
What do you think about it?
Any diferent Good configuration for go deeper?
Any comment?
Any 👍🏽?
Any advice?
