Bronze Member
I think these are Iron or Lead disc, they rang with the lovely sound of "You have found another nail..." LOL but they came through on program 3 on my x-terra 705 so I dug them up. They were all in the same area. I have no idea what they are or what they were used for. Have you ever seen these before?
The copper or brass looking things, if you have any thoughts please share, I know I found those shoe clip looking things in the past and I can search my past posts for the answer, the cone like thing I think might be from a flashlight bulb, but I am not sure.

I am digging in the woods in East Texas (12 Miles of mostly woods) I am in Franklin County Texas on a private ranch. There was one homestead here in the early 1900's. I was told that there may have been a moonshine operation in a specific area here, but after 6 months of detecting, I see no proof of that. I found an area where I believe I have found a second and even a third homestead, but I can only base that on my findings. I only dig hear in the winter months, then I boot out the renters and go back to Wisconsin!
The copper or brass looking things, if you have any thoughts please share, I know I found those shoe clip looking things in the past and I can search my past posts for the answer, the cone like thing I think might be from a flashlight bulb, but I am not sure.

I am digging in the woods in East Texas (12 Miles of mostly woods) I am in Franklin County Texas on a private ranch. There was one homestead here in the early 1900's. I was told that there may have been a moonshine operation in a specific area here, but after 6 months of detecting, I see no proof of that. I found an area where I believe I have found a second and even a third homestead, but I can only base that on my findings. I only dig hear in the winter months, then I boot out the renters and go back to Wisconsin!