Closeup of sterling silver Moose Lodge ring


Bronze Member
Sep 30, 2012
Bloomington Indiana
Detector(s) used
E-TRAC & TESORO GOLDEN SABRE II---ETRAC COILS :SEF 10x12, SEF 6x8, X-5, Detech 8" concentric, ,--- TESORO COILS- 12x10 TOOLS: Lesche, Profind 25, Garrett Propointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Here finally are some closeups of the 9 gram silver ring I found. It's so big it's loose on my middle finger.
Biggest silver ring I've found. Thanks Etrac!


Upvote 9
That's a honker!

Nice Moose nose. Lol. :). Just kidding. That is a nice ring. Hope to find one myself. HH. WH

It was at about the same depth (6-7") and a foot away from a Teddy Roosevelt campaign watch fob. Definitely old!
that's cool. looks really old

Nice chunky piece for sure and the age is a definite bonus.
Great find!!:icon_thumright:

That is really cool ! and what a coincidence - cause Teddy Roosevelt formed "the Bull Moose" party !

That is one sweet ring !

Thanks for all the likes! I've gotten a lot of positive replies everywhere I've posted it!


That beast looks like it was worn faithfully for a long time - add in some sentimentality. The man who lost that grieved its' loss.....

I'm sure, I think that person has likely long since passed on.

That beast looks like it was worn faithfully for a long time - add in some sentimentality. The man who lost that grieved its' loss.....

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