cleaning clad??

I take some salt and vinegar and shake the clad in it for 10-15 mins. This will get most of the crud off.
A wire wheel will then make them shiny again, if you want.
Works for me.
If you don't want to do the work, a vending machine takes dirty clad and gives clean clad ;D

An inexpensive rock tumble.....some play sand, a little water and a couple of drops of dish washing liquid and about 90 minutes of tumbling will get the job done.

I have a plastic coffee "can". Put em all in there with a tiny bit of dishsoap and a couple squares of scrungy pads and shake, shake, shake.

It gets all the grunge off but doesn't turn em back to looking new.

Personally, I can't be bothered with trying to go that far. As long as they will go through the coinstar machine if I ever cash em in, that's good enough for me I guess. Good luck with it and happy holidays!

BDoo :)

I tumble mine with the following recipe. Hope it helps.

Aquarium gravel (found at your local pet store)
Fine sand (I found mine at the local craft store)
tap water
3 drops of dish soap
1 splash of ammonia.

I initally tumble for 30 - 45 minutes. Most of the time, everything looks great. The real cruddy/corroded ones get thrown back for a second spin. The second spin usually cleans them enough to give to a bank.

Hope it helps.

Hate to answer a question with a question, but why do you want to clean your clad? I have found that coinstar machines will take coints in about any condition except bent or jagged edged. Surface discoloration doesn't seem to be an issue, so no need to pretty it up before cashing in.

Beachbling said:
Hate to answer a question with a question, but why do you want to clean your clad? I have found that coinstar machines will take coints in about any condition except bent or jagged edged. Surface discoloration doesn't seem to be an issue, so no need to pretty it up before cashing in.

So why do you fill your holes? You won't be stepping in the hole and breaking your leg, let it be the next guy's problem. It's called be responsible. If you are willing to dig clad, clean it for the next person to spend it. Its not a good reflection on the hobby.

I clean my clad because when you accrue a 3 lb coffee can full it starts to stink and is really crappy to handle. Yup, vinegar and salt does a good job. I then rinse in Dawn and warm water and spread it out to dry to get rid of the vinegar smell. Monty

Forum members, when using a single barrel tumbler what ratio of salt do you use with the white distilled vinegar ? Pinch, teaspoon, tablespoon ? How long do you tumble clad coins to be presentable for use ? Thanks for any replies to this question. GH, Don

Tablespoon per cup

That is what my wife suggests for cleaning,
From what I have seen it works awesome on copper wet the surface with vinegar and add the salt in a sprinkle over the copper ...
a chemical reaction takes place and in a whiz bang the copper just turns red!
I have seen the wife spread it around with a sponge on the bottom of a copper pot and it takes all the tarnish off , and it does the job NOW!

Just telling you what she says...


I've had luck buy putting a single coin in a sock and put it in the washing machine with the laundry, (hot or cold), seems to clean them up pretty well.

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