cleaning adhesive off artifacts


Jr. Member
Jun 9, 2009
OK so I never thought I'd be buying artifacts but I figured I'd buy some hard stone and slate pieces since I think they are awesome and can't find them in my area. So to the question, some of the pieces I've bought have adhesive on them from stickers that were put on them from cataloging or IDing them or whatever. Does anyone have a good way to clean this off without messing up the artifact??

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I can usually get glue off by soaking the artifact in very hot water. Then, scrape it off with my fingernail or if there is some in a groove I use a toothpick also. Sometimes I have had to repeat the process more than once and take lil bits off at a time. I've never had any problems using this method. Good luck! 8-)

What rockheadhunter421 said! I have had great success using extremely hot water. I was nervous at first because I thought the water might fracture the artifact. I know this method will work with water soluble glue but I dont know if it will work for other glues like epoxy or super glue....

goof off or wd-40 works. wd is oily , goof off dry's.

Don't use Goof Off or WD40 on them. It could stain them permanently. For Flint pieces I use Acetone and let them soak for a little bit and it will come right off. For Slate or Stone I would just soak them in water and see if would come off that way.

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