Chuck E Cheese tokens worth up to $1000 !!! NO JOKE- Check it out. @@


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2007
North Carolina
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I was doing a search on Chuck E Cheese (don't ask why), and came across this link:

Some of these tokens are highly collectable as you can see, going back to 1977, and may fetch up to $1000 !!!
Very cool info site with pictures, history, and all of the different variations of these CC tokens.
Also a page with the prices they are worth. Unbelievable!
Go pull out your CC tokens and check it out. You may have a LOT of cheese you didn't know about.

holy smokes! No wonder they are so sought after! ;) they might be now though! lol

Artemis Moon-you'd better check that one you found not too long ago,I believe it was an old one.

Holy crap,I just posted finding a chucke token today, mine is from 1998...sheesh...I was just kidding about being happy finding one......who knew ???

I will have to make sure that I closely look at those token if and when I find one. Also, check out the years when you take your kids to CEC, you may stumble on a rare one.

I have found 6, i'll have to do some studying. this might get interesting. my oldest is 1981 86 2- 2000 2002 2003. hope i find more.


Why do we like to tell everyone what we've found? Me, I tend to keep my mouth shut on anything that resembles treasure. But there are folks here who seemingly delight in announcing to the world that not only have they found treasure today, but may have a lot more at home. Is it that we feel anonymous behind our keyboards?

when i worry about what i post for my finds i'll stay out of this site.when i have to worry about the few finds i find md'ing i'll quit.

Re: Curious?

dahut said:
Why do we like to tell everyone what we've found? Me, I tend to keep my mouth shut on anything that resembles treasure. But there are folks here who seemingly delight in announcing to the world that not only have they found treasure today, but may have a lot more at home. Is it that we feel anonymous behind our keyboards?

Wow, great attitude. Maybe you're on the wrong site? I think the most looked at, and most posted on section of TN is "today's finds". Some folks, including myself, are proud of what we find while out detecting. Whether it's a Chuck E Cheese token, a gold ring, silver coins, or relics, it's fun to see what others have found. If we all act like secret squirrels, and hoard our little treasures, this would be one boring site. Now if someone found a REAL treasure like some gold bars or a pirate chest, I doubt the person would be dumb enough to tell the world.
If your choice is to keep your mouth shut, then so be it.
Maybe we could start a "My Little Secrets" section where there are no pictures and people post nothing?

Re: Curious?

dahut said:
Why do we like to tell everyone what we've found? Me, I tend to keep my mouth shut on anything that resembles treasure. But there are folks here who seemingly delight in announcing to the world that not only have they found treasure today, but may have a lot more at home. Is it that we feel anonymous behind our keyboards?


Maybe I get so excited, I love to share with others. I haven't found half of the wonderful items others on this forum have found, but I so enjoy reading their stories and looking at their photos of those wonderful items they dug up and I also learn....I learn about history....just like I dig for people (genealogy)....putting these items to the people I research....OMG...totally amazing!!!

That is one reason I joined this thoughts, my opinions, my photos of my amazing blue pull tabs and the awesome amount of bobby pins I have dug up from the beach....not to forget to mention, all those wonderful bottle tops from BEER BOTTLES found on the beach, where NO ALCOHOL IS ALLOWED...go figure! Anyways....

I have now shared my go look at the topic for OUTER BANKS ARCHAEOLOGY DIGS....I posted lots of pics of items that were dug on my hubby's property, that on display at the Museum of History in Raleigh, NC (Sept 2007-Feb 2008)....

Happy Hunting to you and God Bless,

PS: Forgot to add...I have a bunch of these tokens, from various years...but nothing I found to be of real value...oh well, maybe someday in the future....I'll hoard them in my china cabinet till then :)

Re: Curious?

dahut said:
Why do we like to tell everyone what we've found? Me, I tend to keep my mouth shut on anything that resembles treasure. But there are folks here who seemingly delight in announcing to the world that not only have they found treasure today, but may have a lot more at home. Is it that we feel anonymous behind our keyboards?
Maybe you should pose this question where it's more appropriate in "Everything Else" or at least start a new thread here. ::)

I just checked my Chuck E. Cheese tokens,the oldest of the 3 is 2004,it figures.

Here's the reason I asked my question - and it wasnt to rile up the assemblage, so everyone calm down before you hurt something with all that conclusion jumping.

Does everyone really think they are hidden behind their IP adresses and supposed privacy here? I had my house broken into awhile back and all my stuff stolen, including detectors. The thief knew I had them because someone had told him... someone I didnt know but who had figured me out. According to the cops, at least part of that was done over the net.
Finds (even bottle caps and CEC tokens) = detectors = $$$.
Simple felony math.

Im saying, be watchful - well, alright I admit it: WAS hoping to stir you all up a little.
Now back to your regularly scheduled discussion...

dahut said:
Here's the reason I asked my question - and it wasnt to rile up the assemblage, so everyone calm down before you hurt something with all that conclusion jumping.

Does everyone really think they are hidden behind their IP adresses and supposed privacy here? I had my house broken into awhile back and all my stuff stolen, including detectors. The thief knew I had them because someone had told him... someone I didnt know but who had figured me out. According to the cops, at least part of that was done over the net.
Finds (even bottle caps and CEC tokens) = detectors = $$$.
Simple felony math.

Im saying, be watchful - well, alright I admit it: WAS hoping to stir you all up a little.
Now back to your regularly scheduled discussion...

We'll put down our torches and pitchforks now. ;D Thanks for that input. Sorry to hear able you getting your stuff stolen. I once ordered some coins over the phone from the U.S. Mint, because I didn't want my credit card # being stolen over the internet. Guess what? Long story short, the girl that took my order over the phone ended up stealing my Visa # and using it to buy things for herself. By the time we tracked her down, she was long gone. Turns out it wasn't even the U.S. Mint taking the phone orders. They vend it out to another company. Nice, huh? Nothing like trying to explain to my wife why there was charges for Victoria's Secret on the Visa bill. ;D
Thanks again,
P.S. I love me some Ted Nugent too. I grew up with ol' Ted.

dahut said:
Here's the reason I asked my question - and it wasnt to rile up the assemblage, so everyone calm down before you hurt something with all that conclusion jumping.

Does everyone really think they are hidden behind their IP adresses and supposed privacy here? I had my house broken into awhile back and all my stuff stolen, including detectors. The thief knew I had them because someone had told him... someone I didnt know but who had figured me out. According to the cops, at least part of that was done over the net.
Finds (even bottle caps and CEC tokens) = detectors = $$$.
Simple felony math.

Im saying, be watchful - well, alright I admit it: WAS hoping to stir you all up a little.
Now back to your regularly scheduled discussion...

First let me say, I am very, very sorry for your loss and for the invasion of your only private safe place. I do hope the police are able to catch who did it and are able to recover, if not all, but a good portion of your items.

Secondly, we are not safe from anything, no matter how private and secretative we think we are. We are no safer from child molesters eyeing our children romping in the beach waters (and following us home unknown to us) as we are letting them play in their own back/front yards. Safe deposits boxes are no safer than the ones in our homes. Alarm systems in our homes are not as effective as some may think, helpful and gives you a sense of security, but if a thief wants what you have, they will, without a doubt, take what they feel they need more than you no matter how secure you think your home is.

We had some movers bring my mother's stuff up here from Florida a few years back when my dad passed. These guys were all over my house, putting boxes everywhere (where we requested). The next morning, we go in the garage and hubby wanted a tool....his tool box was GONE!!! And some of his power tools as well, that I just bought him that past Christmas (barely used!), which were all in the garage the day before, as he was trying out his new jigsaw! This tool box was his fathers (who died in a construction accident in 1972 when hubby was 16). These tools went back to the 30's, 40's and 50's...with a few newer items his father bought prior to his death. It was not the value, but the sentiment! He was angry and hurt at the same time. We called and reported it....but to no avail....nothing was ever done or recovered! But we moved on and have since replaced the power tools I got him, but we will never be able to replace the tools his father had or the tool box!

I shred all my mail (i.e., bank account info, bills, etc) before throwing away (and if CAPITOL ONE does not stop sending me items to sign up for a credit card...I'll take action...anyone can get their hands on that "junk mail" and get credit using my name!!)...but that won't stop someone from trying to get my information.

If someone feels that what I have in my home, little as it may be, is more important to them...then that is a chance I take. Would I be upset, hurt, betrayed, loose my sense of security in my own home....DARN RIGHT I will! But I will report my items stolen, call my insurance company (and hope they pay up!) and move on...continue living!

The internet is just as safe (or dangerous) as we live in our homes and venture about town.

Blessings to you and yours and again, I am sorry for your loss!

PS: dandruff not up here, just love a good debate? If this would be considered one?

No worries.........if a thief breaks in to my house and I am not home, he has to go through a 110lbs german shepherd, my nosey neighbors and then haul off a 3000lbs safe, nowif I am home, he has to go through all that plus either a pistol or a mossberg 590 shotgun.....but point well taken......sorry you got ripped off...I think's it;s more the anger of it happening than what was stolen......HH

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