Just wondering if anybody has any info on some good spots to check out here? I've been searching on the net with not to much luck. I know of a location of an old ghost town by me called Half Acre, used to be called "Hells Half Acre" known for outlaws and such that hung out there. The only info I found on it is no longer on the internet besides of another town called Hells Half Acre also. I remember that it was built in the mid 1800's by a guy that purchased a half acre of land(hence the name) and it was wiped out some time later when lightening hit 1 of the buildings, and since they were built so close together the whole town burnt down. If anyone has any info on this and would like to check it out sometime, I can obtain permission to access the land that its on,or if anyone else in the area wants a partner to go md'ing with sometime let me know.