Ching Tang Paddle... Fraternity or Something Else?


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Jul 15, 2004
Somewhere in the woods
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I found this old wooden spanking paddle and it is painted with the words Ching Tang on one side and I think it says 'Thank You" on the other. Maybe? There was a Ching Tang fraternity down here until the early 70's. Ching Tang I have looked at the photos on this website and there are several paddles shown in group photos but I cannot find a paddle exactly like this one. It looks like they had a new paddle every year but I could be wrong. The red color and Chinese style lettering was the color and style they have used since it's inception in the 30's. My question is... If this isn't a frat paddle then what is it? Do you think this could be a frat paddle from that fraternity?


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That reminds me of a paddle my vice princpal used on us to get our attention,of course it had 1 inch holes in it,my butt hurt for awhile too!!

GOD Bless


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Trying to remember from my Frat days, usually the pledge makes a paddle for his big brother. Therefore, they probably would not be uniform, but somewhat different. I still have mine.

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I appreciate the feedback. I guess I should send off an email to them and see what they think about it. I'll update if I find out anymore.

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Update- I sent off an email the other day to the Ching Tang webmaster. This was his reply...

Hi Robert.
I looked at the photos, and it does indeed appear to be a Ching Tang fraternity paddle. As for the words painted on the back, I have no clue what they mean. The paddles were made by pledges. A member would ask a pledge to make him a paddle, and would tell him what to paint on it. Usually "Ching Tang" on one side, and the members name on the back. The writing on the back of this paddle doesn't even come close to the name of any former fraternity member, but must have had meaning to who ever asked to have it made. The paddles are all different shapes and sizes. Most were the size of the one you have, but some were even 6 feet long. ( for display only) Back in the 50's & 60's the paddle blanks were bought at "Renuart Lumber Yards Inc." 4400 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Coral Gables FL. The pledge would then sand, finish and paint the paddle.

There are a couple of former members who live in the Hollywood area, but I can't imagine them selling there paddle after 40 plus years. There was one member living in Hollywood who graduated in 1966. He passed away in July 2012. As far as I know he lived alone, and had no family. It's possible that who ever ended up with his stuff, would have sold it in a yard sale. He was a jewelry designer and maker. If there was jewelry making tools or costume jewelry in the sale, then it could be his.

I have sent the link to the photos to some former members who graduated around that same time to see if they might now what the words on the back mean. I will let you know if I find out anything.

Let me know when you put it up on Ebay.

Ralph Estes
Ching Tang class of 1961
Webmaster for Ching Tang.

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