OK! No idea how we got on the ghost's, first pic with the st. bernard, is an orb with a fantastic vortex, showed up the day before mye brother-in-law went in for a stint. wound up being he died in the doc's hands, triple bypass surgery, and heart attack. he's alive and well. That was positive energy from unknown. The second of the tree ring, no explanation there, The sap, no matter the mineral content in that area, will not bring that ring too the surface and place it around a pine and cause it to lite. The 3rd, is a highly energized orb, they are a wonder! not a lightning bug, I caught them on film, alot of people regard them and other insects as fairy's! not!! realize the difference, I do have pic's of flying insect's, there is a difference. The 4th, was identified by my neighbor as her dad who died years ago in the house I live in, he's harmless tho. just curious. now a 5th, look at the fence beside the tree! What I wanted too point out is, metal detector's and cemetery's don't mix! never bring the two together. believe or not, there here. I don't watch tv, so no idea on Taps and ghost hunter international, the 4th picture has been identified, sorry, no reflection there. I just added the two pic's on here, believe or not. If you go into a cemetery looking for riches, expect the worst! If you go into cemetery's looking too photogragh and index, expect visitor's! if you get a date wrong, or try EVP'S, take's month's too straighten out, take an object outa a cemetery, never did it! and would not wanna be on the recieving end!!! cemetery's are too respect all the way around!