Casting great treasure hunters!


Feb 26, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

My name is Max Hirshik and I work for a TV Production company casting great treasure hunters who have amazing stories to tell! If you are a miner, diver, metal detector, or any other type of treasure hunter, we'd love to hear from you! Any other information about the treasure hunting community is appreciated, and mods please let me know if this post is appropriate, thanks!

[email protected]

- Max Hirshik

Please don't try to make another show. They are all terrible. Yours will be no different. Not being a jerk, just being realistic.

Do you have to be a great treasure hunter,or,do you just need to have an amazing story to tell?What if you happen to be,and have,both?What if youre not and have no story to tell?What if youre a great treasure hunter without a story?Is this going to be a reality show(FARCE).How does this sound for a reality show(you guys can have it if you want it).Here it is...Take all the employers and employees at the production studios,give them the clothes on their backs and a buck knife.Drop them all off 100 miles into the great north woods(during the winter)and whoever(if anybody does,which I doubt) walks out wins.Head,hat mounted cams are a must.

I have a GREAT story...

I am a diver and treasure hunter. I've never mixed the two but a goal of mine, I'd love to find a gold bar in the deep sea. I've been detecting for 10 years and my primary goal is to be an Actor/director/screen writer. I am familiar with TV and movie sets and have been on set many times. I'm inches away from getting my SAG card and would love to be on your show. Thanks. Oh I have plenty of stories too, just take a look at my banner find... -MUD

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I'm very tired. And I'm also a rooster. I consider myself a treasure hunter of sorts. Have been fairly successful at times. Depends I guess on opinions. I'm not very photogenic. But I'd like to be on your show. I can't do flips or roll around. Not very quickly any way....I'm also not overly excitable over just any thing I find.

Thank you...........TR

Well if this is real than I dont have much to offer in terms of treasure leads, however. I am a retired Airborne Ranger Sniper from ths 2nd Ranger Battalion. My best friend turned into a serial killer and I had to help track him down. I go treasure hunting every weekend and have my share of good finds. I was also a professional bowler and was a child hood actor. I think I have done just about everything there is to offer except go into space or have my own TV series. Above all I have my faith in Christ as my Savior.

Well i would not call my self great and i have had some nice finds that no one will ever hear about or see ……………Most like to show there finds and talk about them why ego i guess … …. But not a smart thing to do....." see my signature below " I never tell or show…And like tired rooster said i can not do flips or roll around over when i make a find that i really do not think that is worth much….. A silver coin a ring those things do not excite me…And i am getting up in years but i still get around just great….. You know that some would pay you to be on your TV show that is there ego showing ..

Really another one of these... give me a break

Welcome Max ! Location is fine ,
but as you can see many members are very nervous over these types of shows
due to past experiences with producers who create fake scenarios for drama & Laughs at our Expense.

That being said, As a member here you certainly deserve respect

So good Luck :thumbsup:

Please treat Max with respect, he is entitled to the same respect as any other member here... ...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

If you want REAL people to watch your show, please post some rules of ethics adopted by responsible hunters at the beginning of each episode. Show the trash we take OUT of the field and dispose of properly. Show the grass stained knees, the scraped knuckles, dirty fingernails and sweaty foreheads we all experience in digging those zinc canning lids, misshaped blobs of lead and occasional old coin or piece of jewelry that keep us coming back in hopes we can get another sometime in the next dozen tries.Show how we take as much care to leave no trace of our having been there and the hours poring over books, websites or old photos just to get a possible lead to a new site. I don't know who will sponsor you though. Detector stores certainly won't like a REAL reality show. EBay and other resale sites probably will. It should flood them with the disillusioned's tools of the trade.

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if you are ever visiting the West Indies let me know.....

Will your show be scripted or unscripted? Will it be based on drama between characters, or on the topic of treasure hunting?

Excuse me while I quietly slink away and count my hoard of gold bars I haven't found yet!

Or you could show the MD'er watching as a guy approaches across a soccer field at twilight with a shot gun, because he thinks your a drug dealer, and your wondering if you can hit him with the detector if he gets close enough, because you darn well know you can't out run a bullet!

I'll pass this time, but I wish you luck!

Her shiek , Welcome to TreasureNet. Big Table has plenty of contacts around the office in California. Lots of personalities there. What exact type can you not locate?
Maybe you know about a recent find farther north that is so mysterious/ Or better yet, a long time ago a whole lots of people stampeded your way for gold! Really.
Sounds like lots of "treasure" right there under your feet. You are welcome and I await our portion of your success using our knowledge to profit by in your recruiting personalities. Lets talk money. Backyard crashers winner will receive 10,000 dollars . What can us outstanding personalities expect per episode? What of travel and lodging costs?Royalties?Should I hire a manager? I,m thinking for 500,000 dollars the first week I could meet your personality requirements. If not, in our contract I could allow you to substitute a stunt personality for brief periods.

Hi Max, I know a handful of dedicated hunters I could set you up with. Do you offer any finder fees as a head hunter for your show. You need professionals here, with a little character if you want to make this crowd set down and pay attention. I think it is a good idea. You are going to have to pay for what you get.

Well i would not call my self great and i have had some nice finds that no one will ever hear about or see ……………
I'm with you, Keppy.
I subscribe to the "Keep Your Mouth Shut" thread. :laughing7:

While I may be a legend in my own mind and my biggest (and probably only) fan......... :laughing7:
I don't photograph well from the neck up........ :laughing7:
I do wish you well with your show and hope you will highlight the better qualities of "treasure hunting".
Most of us carry our biggest treasures in our chest/heart, it's not always about the material search.
Come down down to Fl, I got some friends shooting a new pilot in Miami right now!
(and NO, it's not all glamorous, like they show in H'wood) :laughing7:
Better bring your own lunch! :laughing7:

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