I'm gonna say a type of marble or onyx. These imported decorative items are generally made of a soft stone so they can be carved, shaped and polished with ease, so they can be somewhat mass produced with minimal powered hand tools. There are many sources of various types of onyx and marble found almost on every continent. Here in Colorado we have a large deposit of white marble called Colorado yule marble. These types of rocks are mostly made up of calcite and have many other names.
Thanks for all the quick responses as always. I had thought maybe alabaster but this is extremely heavy for its size, and very hard the top of it almost looks quartzish in that it has some transparency and veins you can see. If it is alabaster still like the thing for 15$, maybe someone will have some new insight marble or onyx could very well be it or jade. No real places in town here to get help with the specimen unfortunately. Definitely can’t scratch it with a finger nail or anything would have to dig a hard sharp tool With pressure to put any dings in it.