Canada shipwrecks

SEAL... didn't we go thru this already ???, try a or a search on your own , you will get more info than you can process, we can't do all the work for you ;D


Hi - Ive spent plenty of time in BC try walking the beaches of Tofino you will find plenty washed ashore mostly 1820-1900 glass , there are occasionally glass float used for potting/fishing worth about 140 CDN each , however just below Tofino you will start finiding black glass / free blown pontil scar glass 1720`s and onwards this site has also chips of delft on the shoreline ( white and blue ceramic ) hence I bet on to very exciting sites out there also the history of Canada and its first settlers lies in a wreck off BC and how the Indians attacked the vessel one lsailor who I beleived feind death over execution managed to hit the powder blowing up the vessel and all indians including himself - a co. called Western Subsea have been searching off Tofino for this since last Feb. Also Google the following (Visa Gold , Ed Burt) as the others stated search yourseld but good luck as we may cross paths this year and I will definatley be in your neck. see ya

Cheers for that. How much does the North American Shipwreck Database cost? As I'm down in New Zealand.

Thanks for that info anyway

You can certainly check all the pricing information at their website. They are based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

To ship overseas .. the following is their pricing info.

Northern Shipwrecks Database CD $49.95 USD
Shipping 1 CD Overseas $5.00 USD
Total amount would be $54.95 USD

They accept pay pal.

i'm glad to see that the database cd has come down in price, i believe it used to be about $150, but i would still suggest that if someone would like to review it they should go to their local library and try to obtain it by using the inter-library loan service, almost all library's provide this service for free. ;D

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