called for permission ! - mding allowed but ........u gotta read


rusty nails

i called a local old park in my area - left a message - detailed one at that - the lady called me back 3 days later - i should have never picked up the phone - she says you can go into the park at any time theres NO GATES AND NO TIME LIMITS !!! ;D - i am thinking SWEET , she didnt answer the money shot question and asks - what were the other ? u had - I asked again - can I metal detect in the park - she says yes - its a public park - u can do WHATEVER U WANT ??? - BUT IF YOU R THINKING ABOUT DIGGING HOLES IN THE PARK - U CANT DO THAT ~ ! I humored myself and asked her - how will i retrieve my signals - without digging holes ???? - she says i guess u cant - if u cannot dig there - "u know we have lawn crews that have to take care of that stuff" - >:( this same park we took our kids to 6 and 10 to go on the swings the other night - there were about - 10 17 yrs olds so stoned outta there mind on all the kids sliding boards and stuff - the normal parents actually hung around me to feel somewhat secure - when we left the freeks took over ....BUT NO DIGGING ALLOWED !

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I'm with Free their. Let em kick you out first. The Druggys aren't going to bother you and if they are on the slides they definitely have issues. Did you buy Omni's sod cutter tool. Great Item. Its made up by you. I don't have the link but it cuts a clean hole and you get the roots and all so the grass stays green so long as its a little damp. HH

Asking for permission on public property is definitely a catch 22. You know you should be allowed but want to call just to get that piece of mind so you can be comfortable while there. The bummer of the whole thing is that you know what your digging practices are and that you won't leave a mess. When you call a person and they hear the word "dig", they tend to get a little jumpy because they assume the worst. Is there an office you can stop by? Maybe you could go down and show them how you "dig" and get clearance once they see that it isn't destructive.


leftybassplayer said:
- "u know we have lawn crews that have to take care of that stuff" -

Right Here is the Operative Sentence in My Opinion.


Ask the Lawn Crew, when you see them there.

Public city/county parks paid for with YOUR tax money that are NOT posted with signs stating "No metal detecting allowed" - are open game, and there's nothing anyone can do/say.

I've detected somewhere nearing 100 parks over the yrs, and never had any problems with anyone "at all", not even when park personnel were present within the park/s (even police too).

State parks are a different story,

you have to check local state laws because a lot of them are "off limits".

National parks = "forget it",

you'll go straight to jail w/o passing go, and NOT collect $200

you'll PAY $500 at least, and probably lose your detecting equipment.

I agree with Jeff, and ask them in person. It's much better to ask someone's permission face to face than over the phone, or by E-mail.

You could ask permission for about any park and they would all tell you no digging. Digging in their mind is someone with a shovel digging holes. I have never had a complaint about cutting plugs to retrieve a target. If it looks like a golf course I would use the probe method to pop out targets.

If druggies use the park, you might want to use extra caution and not stick your hand into the hole until you can see for sure what the object is. I have a friend whose 6 year old son is having to make monthly visits to the doctor for the next 6 months to get checked for AIDS, because at his end-of-school picnic in a public park, one of his little friends found a syringe in the dirt and poked him with it.

an other method for removal is not to cut a plug cut a flap. carry 1 water 2 some grass seed. cut your flap get your target fold flap back throw a handful of grass seed onto seam and water. water is always good in summer weather.
most public town parks will not shoot you for detecting and getting items out if you are nice about it. I agree with the no dig rule applying to people with big shovels, not small trowels.
also check your local library refrence area ask for copy of towns bylaws you will in most cases what we do is not against the law, digging a swimming pool size hole is, but not our tiny ones. and yes asking and showing the ground crew what you mean by digging would not hurt at all. and if the town bylaws do not out law what you do and the ground people say you can't then apply to the police to decide ot the board of selectman etc. if you break no law on the books, then the personall opinion of a grounds keeper for all intents and purpose is a moot point. I have called the police on occasion when I was told to stop "digging" holes and have had them back me up when I pulled out a copy of the laws.
Public land is for public enjoyment, we just enjoy seeing whats underneath.

HH good luck

also carry a bag for trash and pick up what you see and if anyone stops you show them that too

the old you scratch my back and I scratch yours routine

and yes watch out for needles

Floater said:
I'm with Free their. Let em kick you out first. The Druggys aren't going to bother you and if they are on the slides they definitely have issues. Did you buy Omni's sod cutter tool. Great Item. Its made up by you. I don't have the link but it cuts a clean hole and you get the roots and all so the grass stays green so long as its a little damp. HH
I still use it and it's still sharp! found one at a yard sale for a quarter for a back-up, but haven't needed it!
Here is that link:

And be sure to bring along a little canfetti and mention how much little kids love to run around barefoot. Don't forget any broken bottles that older kids like throwing around. Not saying the 17 yr old juvieswould do it but sounds like enforcement is maybe a little prejudicial unless they're letting them run there to keep them away from the business community.

yes yes and yes - thanks for the replies - i have p/u'd allot of crap when out there nails , mowed up cans , broken bottles etc ... i dig good plugs when on somebodies property ... when i am at my yard - i dig big and ugly - it will grow back - atleast thats what i tell my wife ::) - allot of the trash is usually 2 feet away from the trash can - i am going to detect the place anyways - thanks - again for all the suggestions .... this forum rules - and i am back from VACATION.............. LBP

lol...I thought I was the only one that's gotten that reply. A very nice older lady, but I'm not really sure how she thought I was going to get anything without digging. Oh well, things happen

Speaking as a LEO, all I can say is to check the local code of ordinances before you dig. The park director "probably" knows what he/she is talking about, but if it is on the books that there is no digging, then don't do it. Confiscation of your equipment and a fine too boot certainly ain't worth a couple bucks worth of clad.

Just because you pay taxes don't mean you can do anything you want, where you want, and when you want. Without laws (and trust me I am not favoring laws restricting detectorists at all), this society would have fallen apart along time ago. And now is not the time to say it's already fallen apart so screw it... you're just adding more problems to the cure. It gives US detectorisits a bad name!
Yes, I pay taxes AND work for my local government agency. Does this give me the right to do what I want? Heck no. Go ahead and do it and call it a volunteer service? Bad idea.... instead get ahold of the park service people and offer that idea to them as a cleanup effort on your part. Maybe they'll let you do it then. But don't go in there if the ordinance or law is on the books! Telling you from first hand experience as a LEO. Musselling is illegal in KY, yet people constantly do it becuase of the money they can make selling them on the black market... I'm talking 10's and even 100's of thousands of dollars here folks. These people are usually armed and ready to confront anyone in the way of them making money. It gives me much pleasure to bring them down. The state confiscates everything they have with them, which is usually several SCUBA packs, boats and motors and such equipment, quadrunners, trucks and what ever else they ahave. These people pay taxes just like the rest of us, and have the right to enjoy the public waterway just like everyone else. However, "they can't do what ever the hell they want to do on that water way just because they pay taxes!"..

Take a step back and think twice before you do anything. There is some not so good advice out there and I would certianly aht eo to lose all of my equipment!

Good luck to ya!

I do it like Lonewolfe; if the park (city/county)rules say no detecting, I don't--but if does not address detecting,I detect. This might not sound good to all of you, but I've been detecting now over 28 years throughout the U.S. and like Lonewolfe,I have never encountered any confrontation with parks personnel or city police. Off course I do exercise courtesy and try to leave the ground in better shape then I found it. And also pick up the tabs, in case I ever did get hassled. There are so many illeagle activities going on in the parks these days, I'm sure there are bigger problems for parks personnel to concern themselves with besides us. Also, there are too many people in the city offices that don't a;always know the rules or city statutes, and give an answer based on there personal biases. So they're liable to tell you anything. Just my two cents.

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