
Hero Member
Feb 24, 2005
Visalia, CA
Yes,there are places that pay the CRV for each bottle,they are the same places that buy the cans($1.55-$2.05/LB.) and glass bottles($.10.2/LB. or more)

If you want to sell your plastic bottles for the CRV each,they are worth $.10/bottle over 24 oz. and $.05/bottle under 24 oz.EVERY state certified recycling center is required to pay you PER bottle if you request it but most people just sell them by the pound($.95-$1.00/pound).

A lot of people don't realize that CRV is collected on the large 1 gallon water jugs as well and just assume that since they don't collect it on milk jugs that neither of them is worth saving and just throw them in the trash.

They are worth saving and you can sell the milk and water jugs together BUT separate from the soda bottles,the reason is because,although both are recyclable and valuable,they are made of 2 types of plastic.Soda bottles are #1 PETE and water/milk jugs are #2 HDPE,2 distinctly different plastics.

Plastics are segregated by #'s 1-7 and each # is a different type plastic and each is recyclable,however not every center will pay for each number but ALL will accept them for recycling,if you care about the environment as well and not just what you can get paid for.BUT,if you look hard enough you will find centers that WILL (pay) for every # plastic.

The way I do it is I save all the different #'s of plastic that I can sell at the centers near me and the numbers that I can't get paid for,I still separate them from the landfill by putting them in the recycling bins provided by the city that they hope everyone will put ALL recyclable material into.

So to answer your question of whether it is (worth it) to save non CRV plastic,it depends on your level of commitment to the environment.ALL plastic containers are recyclable and will be collected by your city,however not all types can be sold for $ on a local level(except in large quantities ie.CITY),depends on where you live.

The same applies to ALL glass containers as well ie. jars,bottles,flasks,jugs etc.EXCEPT that all places will take and PAY for ALL glass containers,CRV or not.If you collect a lot more non CRV than CRV,just have the attendant weight them together in SEPARATE containers and they will pay you a comingled price,which is lower than the CRV price but considerably higher than the non CRV price alone.DO NOT MIX the CRV with the non in the same container because they will then ONLY pay you the non-CRV price!I Learned this lesson the hard way many years ago!

Hope this answers all your questions and if you have others let me know :).

By the way,do you save alum cans and glass bottles to recycle as well?

Thanks for the info Schramm...As for being a redemption state...I probably pay more CRV than I collect...I LIKE beer! ;D

CA CRV pays 5 cents for .5 litter plastic bottles like water bottles.They weigh just over half an oz empty with lid, very important as the lid/ cap is near half the weight.So 32x.05=$1.60 per lb, vs .89 cents a lb (in my area) sold by weight.Redeem water bottles by CRV return.Alum cans like beer/soda are almost the same weight at 1/2 oz each (1.60 a lb by CRV) and pay $1.65 a weighed lb. so your a nickle a lb ahead of the game to sell by weight.The bigger plastic bottles like Gatoraid 20oz weigh 1.56 oz each so are 11 x .05=$.55 CRV per lb so your ahead to sell them at the $.89 per lb weighed price. Bigger then that (20 oz)is .10 cents CRV but I've never had enough of them to worry about it.In my area some stores have recycling centers in their parking lots that you feed the bottles cans and glass through on a conveyer belt. A scanner looks at the items bar code and counts the CRVs, tallys it and gives you a receipt that the store will pay in cash.Nice thing is you can send the glass,cans plastic through without seperating as the machine does that.All recyclables can be mixed in the same barrel. Bad thing is they can't be crushed so take up more storage at home. I'd been crushing plastic bottles to save space but no longer do and just sell more often.Hope it helps or is even understandable.

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