bullets would essentially ban deer hunting


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In the months following the Sandy Hook school massacre, Wisconsin Democrats moved to restrict access to firearms and ammunition.Those efforts included the drafting of a bill in the state Assembly by Reps. Frederick Kessler, Evan Goyke and Mandela Barnes, all Milwaukee Democrats.
Among other things, the bill would restrict sales and possession of hollow-point bullets, a type of ammunition that expands on impact and creates even larger wounds. Authorities said Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook killer, used bullets designed to inflict maximum damage by breaking up in a victim’s body. Kessler argued banning such bullets would give the victims of a mass shooting at least a chance of survival.

But that bill would have a far greater impact, said conservative talk show host Vicki McKenna on Feb. 18, 2013.It would end deer hunting, a key part of the state’s culture, said McKenna, whose show is aired in Milwaukee, Madison and LaCrosse.

"Democrats in Wisconsin want to fight crime by banning deer hunting," McKenna said.
She explained that the bill "proposed taking hollow-pointed ammunition off the shelves. Which essentially bans deer hunting because you can only use an expanding bullet to deer hunt."

That caught our attention. After all, the state sold more than 614,000 licenses as of the start of the gun deer season in November 2012. That’s equivalent to a little more than 10 percent of the state’s population.

So is McKenna right? Would Kessler’s bill blow away the gun deer hunt? (We’ll avoid picking nits and assume the bow hunting season would remain.)

We turned to the experts to learn more about bullets and Bambi.The proposed legislation

According to the Legislative Reference Bureau: "This bill prohibits a person, with certain exceptions such as for law enforcement, from selling, transporting, manufacturing, or possessing any hollowpoint bullet, any bullet that expands or flattens easily in the human body, or any bullet with a hard envelope that does not entirely cover the core of the bullet."

That bans a lot of bullets.

But what does this have to do with deer hunting?

We asked Tim Lawhern, the state Department of Natural Resource’s top official on such matters.
For years, state law required hunters of deer and others species to use hollow-point bullets, said Lawhern, administrator of the DNR’s enforcement and science division.

The law was modified a couple years ago because more and more hunters were hunting with a different sort of ammunition -- often made of solid copper -- that also changed shape on impact, but was not a hollow point.

State law now says it’s illegal to hunt deer with "non-expanding bullets."

Said Lawhern: "It must be the expanding type of ammunition."The idea is that bullets that expand on impact do more damage, cause greater hemorrhaging, and the animal dies in a swifter, more humane manner, Lawhern explained.

So Kessler and company want to ban the very kind of bullets that hunters are required to use.

What ammo would that leave hunters with?

"Nothing," said Lawhern. "Archery. You could use archery equipment."

Banning hollow-point bullets "would have a negative impact on deer hunting," said George Meyer, former DNR secretary and executive director of Wisconsin Wildlife Federation.

"If they don’t have any ammunition they could use, it certainly doesn’t sound good if you’re a hunter," Lawhern said.Legions of hunters would have the same reaction about an expanding-bullet ban, he added.

"You’ll have the largest army in the world saying, ‘What, are you nuts?’"

A change in plans

Apparently they won’t have to worry.

Shortly after word got out -- including on McKenna’s show -- Kessler admitted he and the other lawmakers had shot themselves in the foot.They’re rewriting the bill to "remove any conflicts of law and provide exemptions that honor our state’s great sporting heritage," Kessler said in a Feb. 19, 2013, statement, a day after McKenna’s show on the subject.

The bill "was never intended to conflict with current laws or codes related to Wisconsin’s rich hunting tradition and those who annually participate in it," Kessler said, adding that the draft bills "contained unintended oversights."

He added: "We will be working with the Legislative Reference Bureau, Legislative Council and the Department of Natural Resources to ensure that any future bill drafts are consistent with current sporting and hunting regulations."

Kessler said in an interview that he still wants to limit sales of hollow-point bullets, but with an exemption for hunters.
Such ammunition would be available "only to people who have licenses to hunt, who are on their way to hunt and it’s hunting season, " Kessler said.

So let’s bag this one.

McKenna said a proposal to restrict sale and possession of hollow-point and flattening or expanding bullets "essentially bans deer hunting."

McKenna’s right on an important front. Deer hunters are required to use bullets that expand on impact -- including hollow points. And Kessler wanted to ban those very bullets. So it would leave gun hunters without bullets.

But she’s wrong by suggesting that the Democrats were seeking to ban hunting.Kessler admitted hunting never crossed his mind when the bill was drafted in an effort to protect mass shooting victims. The city slickers came up with a bill with a problem that stood out like a white tail between the cross hairs.

As it stood, the law would have banned the bullets. But it didn’t ban hunting. We rate McKenna’s statement Mostly True.

Sorry lol. "Nitpicking i know but i'm that sorta guy! :P

""You’ll have the largest army in the world saying, ‘What, are you nuts?’"

Umm...wrong! The Chinese womens army ALONE has more members than the entire population of the USA! :tongue3:

In the months following the Sandy Hook school massacre, Wisconsin Democrats moved to restrict access to firearms and ammunition.Those efforts included the drafting of a bill in the state Assembly by Reps. Frederick Kessler, Evan Goyke and Mandela Barnes, all Milwaukee Democrats.
Among other things, the bill would restrict sales and possession of hollow-point bullets, a type of ammunition that expands on impact and creates even larger wounds. Authorities said Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook killer, used bullets designed to inflict maximum damage by breaking up in a victim’s body. Kessler argued banning such bullets would give the victims of a mass shooting at least a chance of survival.

But that bill would have a far greater impact, said conservative talk show host Vicki McKenna on Feb. 18, 2013.It would end deer hunting, a key part of the state’s culture, said McKenna, whose show is aired in Milwaukee, Madison and LaCrosse.

"Democrats in Wisconsin want to fight crime by banning deer hunting," McKenna said.
She explained that the bill "proposed taking hollow-pointed ammunition off the shelves. Which essentially bans deer hunting because you can only use an expanding bullet to deer hunt."

That caught our attention. After all, the state sold more than 614,000 licenses as of the start of the gun deer season in November 2012. That’s equivalent to a little more than 10 percent of the state’s population.

So is McKenna right? Would Kessler’s bill blow away the gun deer hunt? (We’ll avoid picking nits and assume the bow hunting season would remain.)

We turned to the experts to learn more about bullets and Bambi.The proposed legislation

According to the Legislative Reference Bureau: "This bill prohibits a person, with certain exceptions such as for law enforcement, from selling, transporting, manufacturing, or possessing any hollowpoint bullet, any bullet that expands or flattens easily in the human body, or any bullet with a hard envelope that does not entirely cover the core of the bullet."

That bans a lot of bullets.

But what does this have to do with deer hunting?

We asked Tim Lawhern, the state Department of Natural Resource’s top official on such matters.
For years, state law required hunters of deer and others species to use hollow-point bullets, said Lawhern, administrator of the DNR’s enforcement and science division.

The law was modified a couple years ago because more and more hunters were hunting with a different sort of ammunition -- often made of solid copper -- that also changed shape on impact, but was not a hollow point.

State law now says it’s illegal to hunt deer with "non-expanding bullets."

Said Lawhern: "It must be the expanding type of ammunition."The idea is that bullets that expand on impact do more damage, cause greater hemorrhaging, and the animal dies in a swifter, more humane manner, Lawhern explained.

So Kessler and company want to ban the very kind of bullets that hunters are required to use.

What ammo would that leave hunters with?

"Nothing," said Lawhern. "Archery. You could use archery equipment."

Banning hollow-point bullets "would have a negative impact on deer hunting," said George Meyer, former DNR secretary and executive director of Wisconsin Wildlife Federation.

"If they don’t have any ammunition they could use, it certainly doesn’t sound good if you’re a hunter," Lawhern said.Legions of hunters would have the same reaction about an expanding-bullet ban, he added.

"You’ll have the largest army in the world saying, ‘What, are you nuts?’"

A change in plans

Apparently they won’t have to worry.

Shortly after word got out -- including on McKenna’s show -- Kessler admitted he and the other lawmakers had shot themselves in the foot.They’re rewriting the bill to "remove any conflicts of law and provide exemptions that honor our state’s great sporting heritage," Kessler said in a Feb. 19, 2013, statement, a day after McKenna’s show on the subject.

The bill "was never intended to conflict with current laws or codes related to Wisconsin’s rich hunting tradition and those who annually participate in it," Kessler said, adding that the draft bills "contained unintended oversights."

He added: "We will be working with the Legislative Reference Bureau, Legislative Council and the Department of Natural Resources to ensure that any future bill drafts are consistent with current sporting and hunting regulations."

Kessler said in an interview that he still wants to limit sales of hollow-point bullets, but with an exemption for hunters.
Such ammunition would be available "only to people who have licenses to hunt, who are on their way to hunt and it’s hunting season, " Kessler said.

So let’s bag this one.

McKenna said a proposal to restrict sale and possession of hollow-point and flattening or expanding bullets "essentially bans deer hunting."

McKenna’s right on an important front. Deer hunters are required to use bullets that expand on impact -- including hollow points. And Kessler wanted to ban those very bullets. So it would leave gun hunters without bullets.

But she’s wrong by suggesting that the Democrats were seeking to ban hunting.Kessler admitted hunting never crossed his mind when the bill was drafted in an effort to protect mass shooting victims. The city slickers came up with a bill with a problem that stood out like a white tail between the cross hairs.

As it stood, the law would have banned the bullets. But it didn’t ban hunting. We rate McKenna’s statement Mostly True.

""The city slickers came up with a bill with a problem that stood out like a white tail between the cross hairs.""

I find it interesting that in more and more of these releases the authors try and set up this urban/suburban vs rural conflict.

Reminds me of the "rich" vs "the rest" that the dems are always creating.

Kessler said: "contained unintended oversights."
That's what is happening with all of this knee-jerk legislation they are coming up with. Why they can't just enforce the existing laws and quit with this vote hunting smoke and mirrors crap? Please show me how many killings are committed by a legal gun owner against someone that didn't need killing. A VERY SMALL PERCENT! Wake up to the facts. Our society is what is screwed up, not the legal gun owner. I guess that making a sweeping, statewide law that "might" allow someone to survive a mass shooting is productive? Why is "mass shooting" even mentioned. What about victims of single shootings? I believe it was mentioned to somehow make it look like they are doing "something" in reaction to the school shooting even if it doesn't make any sense. And why should law enforcement use hollow points? If they hit their target isn't the perp usually disabled? They could then call an ambulance and save the persons life instead of tearing them up beyond saving. Why can law enforcement have "better" bullets than the general public? My life is just as important to me. Very few cops do any shooting to protect the public, they try to protect themselves. They are NO BETTER than me!

Knee jerk reaction, wonder what party has that as their rally cry.....

I guess, if I'm going to commit mass murder in Wisconsin, I'll just have to take a knife and carve an X on my bullet tips. Be surprised what that can do for them. Of course that would mean the state government spent millions on legislation and ended up accomplishing NOTHING. You guys have another "oversight" on your hands. Of course you could waste even more time and money making Xing your ammo illegal. Now THAT would stop me, a NEW LAW!! :)

Knee jerk reaction, wonder what party has that as their rally cry.....

You really think the republican are really any better than the democrats? You really think there is that big of a difference. You really think you have a choice under the current system. Head in sand?

You really think the republican are really any better than the democrats? You really think there is that big of a difference. You really think you have a choice under the current system. Head in sand?

Anybody with a half a brain (No offense to a liberal) knows both sides have a lot to do with the problems bestowed upon us. But even you must admit The left side comes up with some real doosies. Most are little people trying to justifie there mindless jobs.

Anybody with a half a brain (No offense to a liberal) knows both sides have a lot to do with the problems bestowed upon us. But even you must admit The left side comes up with some real doosies. Most are little people trying to justifie there mindless jobs.

I think the bush administration had their own fair share of doosies. It was actually the first time I started to get embarrassed to call myself a republican.

I have always found it interesting that for many of the most recent elections people mostly have been voting "against" someone as opposed to voting "for" a candidate. When is the last candidate you actually felt good voting for??

And this is how our political system dupes people. It makes you feel like you have a choice. And instead of telling why we should be voting for them they just yap about why we shouldnt be voting for the other side. Either party could put Mickey Mouse on the ticket and would probably get almost half the vote. Or better yet each party could put the same exact person on each of their tickets and the same person would split the vote 50/50. Heads in sand.

I have always found it interesting that for many of the most recent elections people mostly have been voting "against" someone as opposed to voting "for" a candidate. When is the last candidate you actually felt good voting for??

And this is how our political system dupes people. It makes you feel like you have a choice. And instead of telling why we should be voting for them they just yap about why we shouldnt be voting for the other side. Either party could put Mickey Mouse on the ticket and would probably get almost half the vote. Or better yet each party could put the same exact person on each of their tickets and the same person would split the vote 50/50. Heads in sand.

I would like to see NONE OF THE ABOVE on the ticket.

That would prob be my top choice!! Better than tweedle dumb or tweedle dee.

Obama can blame his failure to run the economy on Bush, probably for 8 years, but he'll have to blame his gun problem on the Bill of Rights. I will continue using hollow points on deer and pigs; ALL big game. Odds of getting caught are a million to one. Tired of this crap and I'm through complying. ALL of these jerks can just shove it!

Vicki McKenna's as much of a nutjob as Kessler.

Fact: You can kill a deer without the bullet being a hollowpoint; I've done it a lot.

Fact: Wisconsin law requires you can't hunt deer with "ammunition loaded with non-expanding type bullets".

Opinion: I think that hunting deer with hollowpoint ammo kills better and is more humane than solids for most hunters most of the time. It tends to make marginal hits better. No ethical hunter want to lose a game animal. I've used hollowpoints for decades, way before other hunters have.

Opinion (soon to be fact): This bill ain't going anywhere. Period.

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