I can't ID it with 100% certainty unless you use Digital Calipers on it and report its EXACT diamter, in hundredths-of-an-inch. (For example, the difference between a .223 bullet and a .243 bullet is very difficult to distinguish without super-precise measuring.)
But for the moment, since you say it is nearly 1.5-inches long, and is 1/4-inch wide (.25-inch), it could be either a .243 Winchester Sporting Rifle bullet, or a Remington .25-06 Sporting Rifle bullet.
However, until we get super-precise measuring from you, it could also be one of the .223/5.56mm bullets, such as the M-16 rifle bullet. But, being well over an inch long, I don't think it is a .223/5.56mm bullet.
Your bullet has a copper jacket over its lead body, and since you say its diameter is .25-inch, it is from sometime in the 20th-Century.
You might want to take a look at
List of rifle cartridges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia