Marko0916 wrote:
> If its modern I won't spend any time on it. Still seeking something pre 1900's,
> whether it be a coin or a bullet.
Using the double-enlargement option here at TreasureNet, I can see that all three of your bullets have what is called a "reeded" groove (or more technically, a reeded cannelure). In this context "reeded" means having multiple tiny short parallel ridges in the body-groove on the bullet.
See the photo below for an example of a bullet with a "reeded" groove.
"Reeding" in the groove on a bullet wasn't done until approximately 1880, and did not become commonplace on American bullets until the first decade of the 1900s. So, all three of your bullets are no early than the 1880s and are 98% probably from sometime in the 20th-Century.
Despite what you heard, none of your bullets are Minie-balls.
Minié ball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Absolutely NO 1800s-era Minie-balls had reeded grooves. The only ones which do are modern-era imitation Minie-balls made for blackpowder hobbyist game-hunting and target shooting.