Nail Digger
Jr. Member
Measurements are a bit difficult due to tumbling impact deformations. Diameter is .300" to .305", measured just ahead of cannelure. Non-jacketed, flat nose, and is a hollow base design. Photos are after electrolysis cleanup, as there was a significant white corrosion buildup obscuring details. I was only able to find one "possible" rifling mark, just ahead of the cannelure. It is very hard to make out and measures "maybe" .065" (land width, not groove width). Weight is unknown, as I don't have any scales, but some of the base is missing anyway. Probably a common bullet, but it was the only thing I found this afternoon of any real interest. After finding one of MY OWN 9mm bullets and a couple of MY OWN .300wsm cases, this was a real treat.