Ive deciced that im going to build a 4in dredge to play around with here in northeast ohio. Unfortunately sourcing good used equipment in my region is extremely scarce and i just cannot jusify spending 4gs on a new rig. So for my dredge i plan on using a 6.5 hp engine with a keene p180 pump. The frame and floats arent an issue for me. Its the sluicebox and jetlog/flair im going to need some help with. I think id like to use the over/under design. So if anyone wouldnt mind sharing youre thoughts on this type of sluice would be great! How did you build yours? What material did you use? How well does it perform? And as for the jet log, what size pipes did you use and what angle is best for the venturi? Is there a restricter ring on the inside diameter ofte pipe? Thats all for now. Im sure ill have many more questions later.