Thanks Breezie. I think he is right also. I just can't believe it is what it is and the fact that I found it in mass. The area I found it is very historical, so it is very probable that British artifacts could be found, but this will be by far the oldest artifact I have found. I keep looking at it and am blown away. If you look in the BUCKLES book by Ross Whitehead on page 16, #48 looks like the Buckle I have found. The dimentions are 17mm x 21mm, which are the exact dimentions of my buckle. Seems like a match, but again I am having a hard time rapping my mind around finding an artifact dating back to 1250-1500 hear in mass. I guess I looking for some reassurance. Silver Searchers initial response seemed like he was shocked also. I think he was so shocked he wasn't sure if I found it or bought it.

That was the first time I had anyone ask if I had bought the item I posted. When I found it I thought it was an earing, but saw an image of one on the Colchester site you gave me. I actually owe you a thanks.