Being a Winnipeg boy, you get to hear a lot of Randy, Burton, Guess Who, BTO, Etc. so every hit is ingrained in my brain but I never grow tired of this heavy hitter.....
Was going to post the 1974 live version but liked seeing them do this song when they're a little more gray!
I saw the Guess Who Twice.
Once in my Teens in Atlantic City on the Steel Peer . Pain Train was new at the time.
so I'm guessing I was 16 or 17
and Once in Night Club known as the Alley, In the Cressona area of PA for Free.
I walked in mid day, & sat at a table near where Sound & the Roadie's were.
and just became one of them for the night
so I never actually Paid to see them play.
probably mid to late 90's. the Alley was put out of Business by the State police who would set up
DUI checks at 2AM closing time out front.