I found some large ships nails/spikes. I am wondering how old they may be. Notice the peened corners on the heads? I hope you are all enjoying good finds too.
Thank you for any help on this. George.
Thank you, it is exciting to have joined. I have some cool finds to share on the rest of the forum and perhaps I can be helpful once in a while. George.
Thank you, it is exciting to have joined. I have some cool finds to share on the rest of the forum and perhaps I can be helpful once in a while. George.
That's what it's all about, with all the members added up the knowledge base is incredible.
One person can only retain so much knowledge and the references for only so many things.
Each person actually brings a different skill set to the table - so to speak.
Good finds! Hard to date because they didn't change much for about 200 years. I would say ship timber spikes, maybe wharf/dock. Early ones were very crude. I would guess those are late 1700- early 1800?