bronze ring.


Jr. Member
Apr 9, 2007
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dfx.10x6dd coil


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Also thought to be horse harness rings. I have found too many of these to believe they are purely from belts.

i didn't know anything about them ,until i saw that site.

smudger said:
i didn't know anything about them ,until i saw that site.

Dodgy people try selling them on e-bay as 'Celtic Ring money'.

Well, whatever it is, you're the first one to touch it in a very, very long time!

Nice find and thanks for sharing.

Night Stalker....

Now that's an old ring! Congrats on your find and welcome to Tnet!

Nana :)

Iskuli said:
I hate to think how many of those I have tossed.....

You're in TEXAS Iskuli. Yours are just junk ;D. Celts never migrated that far. They didn't make it to Georiga either :'(.

YO! Sheldius, don't rain on my parade. Maybe someone from England had one and just happened to drop it in my lake....hee hee

Yup, that must be what happened :o. It is a definite keeper in Ireland. HH.

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