Broke The $100.00 Milestone Today For 2009 On A Hill


Silver Member
Mar 21, 2005
Detector(s) used
Garrett- Master Hunter CX,Infinium, 1350, 2500, ACE 150-water converted 250, GTA 500,1500 Scorpion, AT Pro

Had today off, so I headed out of town to a popular snow tundra hill that has seen a lot of activity so far this year. It looks like I was the only one to hunt it this year. There was absolutely nobody around, so I had the whole place to myself. I played with the Master Hunter CX plus for about an hour, and got 3-4 dollars with it. The rest of the afternoon was spent using the GTI 2500 with the large 12.5" Imaging Coil. The snow was quite deep out in the country, and I was pulling a lot of coins as deep and even deeper then the length of my electronic Pro-Pointer, which is 9". The afternoon lasted about 4 hours. The winds picked up and it was getting cold, so I headed home, but not before sneaking in a couple of tacos with some nice hot sauce on them.


Here's today's tundra loot. I was very happy to break the $100.00 mark for 2009, with another week of March remaining. I would be happy to have all this snow disappear overnight, but the forecast is more snow tonite and more snow tomorrow. It sometimes sucks to live this far north :(.


My overall totals just keep getting higher. I just might pick up another gold coin soon......​


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Now that's dedication! Glad it worked out for you up there. :thumbsup:

Likely Guy said:
Hey John,

I can't believe your finding anything under all this white crap! We had about another 3" today. $100 between Jan. and now, wow! You're declaring your earnings to Revenue Canada, right? :laughing7:

You got to go and detect the busy toboggan hills...there is a lot of loot out there to find. Get it before the snow melts and others eyball the hills for that loot.

Declare $$$ to Revenue Canada? Absolutely! :laughing9:

Man John you sure mare doing great up North. I been lucky to break $10.00 here this year. Good luck.....Matt

Great finds!! Congratulations!
Hope you have warmer weather soon.


Nice job. But man, how do you handle the snow? Maybe I'm just toooo spoiled here in Southern Ca. with the nice weather. Keep up the good work. Tell me this, is it hard to dig up a target in the snow?


Great job and nice camo job on the detector. I wonder if I did that, if I could metal detect while waiting for that deer, instead of sitting in a deer stand in the fall.

That's just crazy John, way to get out there no matter the conditions! :thumbsup:

Tacos and coins my favorite. :thumbsup:

Great accomplishment thus far.

Keep it up and HH

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