Today I went to what was a 100+ year old hotel sitting on 80 acres that I had been drooling over for weeks. I had visions of gold and silver coins, etc. etc. Turned out to be mosquito land (didn't think I'd need bug spray), so I had to stay near the old building / drive and search amongst the gazillions of rusty nails and iron debris. Spent 3 hours without much to show. The tube of branding cement had to be unrolled. Anybody know anything about it? It doesn't Google very well but says F-F (F bar F) BRAND-RITE SYSTEM distributed exclusively by Nebraska Salesbook of Lincoln, NE. Yes, has something to do with livestock branding. Dime is for reference. The other thingy is modern plastic with metal but don't know what it is either. The last piece is lead and appears to be a fired round that hit a tree, bone, etc... I know there is lots of goodies to be found there, but not today.