Your brick is possibly as old as 1894...
Another popular use of clay throughout the years has been for the manufacture of brick to be used for building, paving, tiling roofs, and as fire brick for furnaces. The earliest West Virginia brick plant was built near New Cumberland in 1832, and bricks and fire clay were shipped to Pittsburgh and various other points along the Ohio. In 1862, gas was struck nearby, and soon it was being used for firing brick. The Standard Fire Brick Company was established in 1874 at a point called Globe, and still operates today as the Globe Refractories, Inc. Numerous other clay plants grew up near New Cumberland, using the Middle and Lower Kittanning fireclays to manufacture building brick, paving block, and sewer pipe.
In 1894, many of these plants were consolidated by the Mack Manufacturing Company. The company has since changed hands several times, and it is today called the Crescent Brick Company. Both Globe Refractories and Crescent Brick produce bricks to be used for ladles in the steel industry. The extremely high fusion point of the Kittanning clay produces a good fire brick.